• Claustrophobia

    Scott and Derek get locked in small room and Scott has a panic attack (prompt: being locked in a room or trapped in a small space / tou chi NG! FOr eheA DS! 11!)

  • They Fixed It With A Fart

    What the title says pretty much

  • Stiles Is A Little Slow On The Uptake

    Stiles realizes something important.. Or the one where Scott and Derek share clothes

  • So This Is What You Do At Night

    Skye and Jemma find out about FitzWard.

  • Break Me Down and Build Me Up

    "Sometimes Oliver needs to be broken down, needs to feel like nothing, before John can build him up again." Diggle/Oliver H/C

  • Midnight Shenanigans

    Scerek PWP... Scott's mom's working late. Derek thinks it's a great excuse to have some fun… It is!

  • Droopy Wings, Massages and Frisky Times

    Steve gives Sam a massage and things get a little frisky.

  • Welcome, Colonel Rhodes

    "Rhodey really should've known better, really, this was Tony after all-the man had nine o'clocks at two o'clock because he didn't care to keep track of time." Tony's supposed to pick Rhodey up at the airport but instead doesn't because he's got a surprise waiting for his husband at home. Slash!

  • Felicity, It's Not What It Looks Like

    "Unless finding your boss straddling his bodyguard while rubbing at the bodyguard's chest in a really sexual way meant something else these days, then fine, it wasn't what it looked like…." Felicity catches Diggle and Oliver in a compromising position.

  • Felicity Has No Shut Up Button

    "I've walked in on Diggle doing you on that mat more times than I'd like to admit. If you want me to find you a more private place to do your thing than I'm all for it." Diggle/Oliver

  • Felicity's Failed Foresight

    "I'm a woman and my womanly senses tingle whenever I'm around you two... No that sounded wrong, I meant that well— ugh, you know what I meant!" Felicity tries talking some sense into Diggle.

  • The Lord Marshal's Mate

    "Yes, Vaako's quite happy with the idea of being the Lord Marshal's Mate." Riddick/Vaako PWP