

  • The rescue mission

    Trevor discovers a legendary Vernigan find and can't get his way back so now its up to Sean, Hank and the whole family to save him. Will they get there in time or will they get there too late and have to bury a beloved family member.

  • The doctor's passion

    Bella hurts herself and has to go to the hospital to get fixed up and it is Carlisle who comes to her rescue. As he fixes her in his office a spark is ignited between them and before they know it they share a moment of passion. When it is all over Bella goes back for more, but as the passion they share continues what will happen between them.

  • At last

    After returning home from her journey Alice returns to Underland and to the only man she could ever truly love.

  • A chance encounter

    Hermione and Remus happen to run into each other. What will happen when she lets him stay at her house. Please review and let me know what you think