

  • Whole

    They had all lost something in the war.

  • Sister

    And now, there is only one sister left.

  • Clock

    It was late when Molly Weasley made her way back to her kitchen, heaving a soft sigh. The battle had just ended, a world had just begun, but he...he was gone. Forever.

  • Words

    For they are words- it is the words that separate them- the difference between them and she and him and what once was and now never can be.

  • Punishment

    Misery loves company. And certain company requires punishment. That punishment is what I am living.

  • The Color Red

    It was impossible, she decided. It was never going to happen. She was never going to look like her and she should just stop trying before Harry walked in and noticed what she was doing.

  • Bells

    He can't remember the reason why he ever bothered to fight. Not anymore. Written for Silverbirch's Christmas challenge

  • Extraordinary

    She was extraordinary. Simply extraordinary.

  • Black

    Black, black, black. Black as night, black as cold, black as black.

  • It Sucks

    It sucks being overshadowed you know? Being a child of two-thirds of the Golden Trio...well, it's not easy.

  • Change

    It had changed, you know. Maybe not a lot, maybe just a little, but it had changed. The memories were fading.

  • He Hated Him

    He hated him. That boy with her green eyes.

  • Let Go

    The rain was pounding down, lighting flashing through the inky darkness. "Is...is this it, then?" A girl asks quietly. "Is it finally over?"

  • The Marriage Contract

    Aislinn is a hopeless case. She’s seventeen, unmarried, and has no proposals in the horizon. So when the infamous Sirius Black offers a lesson on how to catch a man, she can’t help but accept. However, this Marriage Contract is more than what it seems..

  • Horrible

    It was horrible, you know, seeing the same sights for fourteen years. It was horrible, hearing the same sounds. The laughter that meant the end was near, the dead silence of accepted fate. And it was horrible, realizing that soon, it would be him.

  • A Father's Love

    He hoped that perhaps they would never endure the hardships that he knew were coming...that his baby girl and this little boy would stay eternally happy, blissful in their first dance together. He hoped for nothing else. Because that was a father's love.

  • Never Change

    She loved him. It was sick, sick, sick, she knew, not to care about all the people that he hurt. To only care about one person's pain, the one person who caused so much hurt that the entire world hated him. But she didn't care. She loved him.

  • Kiss

    All he asked for was a kiss. A single kiss. Sirius/Lily.

  • Thank You

    I owe him a lot. More than I'll probably ever realize. Because I am no longer just a spoiled kid, related to the famous Harry Potter. Now I am me. Now I am me.

  • Brave

    He would be brave. Brave for this child, sitting in front of him, recounting the horrors that he had just been through. Brave for the woman that would have been the next to blossom out of Voldemort's wand. He, Sirius Black...would be brave.