HR always live on

  • A Shoulder To Cry On

    Ruth has been in exile for three years of painful separation from Harry. When events happen and she has to return to the UK, can they find a way to make it work and clear her name? Set after series 5 AU. Now complete.

  • Phone Call 4-5

    A one shot, set during episode 4-5 where Ruth calls Harry late at night. HR obviously.

  • After the War

    Set at the end of Deathly Hallows. I always thought there should be an extra chapter before the epilogue and after the battle, so this is my version. All feedback welcome and I will try to include all main characters here. Thanks

  • The Mirrors Next Victim

    A HP one shot. Snape and Dumbledore discuss the mirror or Erised. Set during Philosophers Stone.

  • The Sorting

    The sorting hat debates this years crop of students. Set in Philosophers Stone, my first attempt at HP fan fic.