
  • When Emotions are Revealed

    A good story is often times made to sound like the characters are fearless, or the villains are merciless. But these things are often times untrue. This is in our points of view. Our pain, our fear, our mercy, and our love are all here in what is true. A collection of one-shots based on the movie.

  • Skipper's Story

    As leader of the Jolly Wrenches, Skipper had responsibility and he looks back at his last mission...

  • The Doctor Meets CHROME

    Rose wants to visit a planet she's only ever heard of. It just so happens that they land in the CHROME agency, where a long time Doctor Who fan awaits...

  • A Switch of Lives

    Dustpaw has had trouble in SunClan ever since he joined and when he finds a cat named Ishani lost in the forest it's more trouble. Ishani tells him her story but how can Dustpaw believe that the pretty she-cat was once a monster... Sort of in between K plus and T.

  • The Doctor, the Cars, and the Dead Planet

    Ever wondered how the world of cars came to be? When the Doctor shows up in the year 3015 in the middle of Minnesota he finds that a few inventions have gotten out of hand. Forced to somehow rid the Earth of cars the Doctor must choose to destroy them or find them a new home... Rated T to be safe.