
  • Ash-Ketchow

    Slightly AU; Set in the near ending episode of when Ash and his friends were helping Wailmer in the Sinnoh region.

  • In the Memory of a Genie

    They say that Genie's couldn't kill, but that didn't mean that Genie's couldn't die either. Note: Written for the terrible death of Robin Williams.

  • Sailor Moon VS the Mummy

    Set during the events of "Sailor Moon Amercian Adventures"; Serena, Raye, Amy, Mina and Lita visit Egypt where they meet Richard O'Connell, Eveyln and her older Brother Johnathan in an expetition that will decide the fate of Earth. Meanwhile, as usual, Team Rocket follows them.

  • Familiar

    While on a mission in Mideel with Rude, Reno discovers and finds his background and family.

  • UsagiSerena's problem in reading manga

    What would happen if you had the anime Sailor Moon reading the manga Sailor Moon books? Read here to find out!

  • Red Condor in Need

    Summary: On his early missions, Reno, along with his mentor-like superior, Tseng, and young 2nd Class SOLDIER Zack and 1st Class SOLDIER Angeal, confronts a wounded giant condor which teaches him that giant birds are more warm hearted than he ever imagined. Rated T just in case. Death is also mentioned, but not to the main characters.

  • Dissidia Crystal

    It is Dissidia with a new twist. Note: On Hiatus. Returning-Unknown.(Sorry)

  • Not Yet Time

    What ever happened to Genesis after Zack left him in Banora in the ending of Crisis Core-Final Fantasy VII? It's still unanswered, but perhaps the future trail is coming.

  • Sailor Moon Continnum Part 2-Part one

    The story of Sailor Moon and her allies continue as the fight against Chaos if far from over. The past that connects to our heroes is also revealed, and new allies from many sorts are being dragged into the conflict. Re-edited.

  • Sailor Moon Continnum Part 1

    We all know about Sailor Moon, Cardcaptors and Pokemon, but what if these three best known series are on the same world, same year, but with different destinies that will lead them all together for a challenge that will change the fate of Earth and the universe forever? Cover at is mine.

  • Pokemon Mega Colosseum Adventures

    Set within the Sailor Moon Continuum universe: Alistair Ketchum, the father of Pokemon trainer Ash Ketchum, sets on his final journey, along with Pokemon Snagger Wes, the gifted young girl Rui, and two trainers from the future to defeat the evil Cipher to save the Orre Region and all of the Pokemon. More revealed inside. (Rated T, just in case) On Hiatus(Sorry)

  • Sailor Moon Digital Dilemma

    Unofficially part of the Sailor Moon Continuum-Our Sailor Team heroes must fight against the most dangerous computer virus on Earth to save the universe, with the aid of their allies.(A series of crossovers) On Hiatus(Sorry)

  • The Betrayal of Light

    AU: What if Eraqus had defeated Terra and Xehanort? Now both Ven and Aqua must find and protect each other from the mad Keyblade Master of Light. But things are not as they same, and it's getting King Mickey, Lea, Isa and all of the worlds involved in a threat that is greater than Xehanort. Status: COMPLETE, and an Alternate Ending added.

  • Sailor Moon's Mammoth Christmas Adventure

    A Christmas Special, set within the Sailor Moon Continuum Universe: It's christmas time for our Sailor Team Heroes, but things start to go wrong on the night before christmas, and it's up to Serena, her friends and allies to save it! Note: Up only for Christmas. Will be put up again every Christmas, so please enjoy it now while you can.

  • Second Chance

    AU but not part of "The Betrayal of Light" series; What if Axel somehow survived his suicidal attack and joined Sora to defeat Organization XIII? For one thing, the red-haired nobody is falling for more unexpected surprises.

  • My True Destiny

    This is the Extended of the final episode of "Pokemon-Maps of Life" of the Sailor Moon Continuum, leading to "Sailor Moon-American Adventures". Ash's render on cover is mine.

  • Where are They(Side Story of Dirge of Cerberus Final Fantasy VII)

    While Vincent Valentine goes around to stop Deepground, explore on how Cloud and his friends joined in the war and the whereabouts of Rufus ShinRa and the Turks. Warning: Course and bad-mouthed language and possible serious violence.

  • Special Episode of Reno

    Re-posted due to mistakes. No summary here, please read inside.

  • Green Hair Day

    As the title says.

  • Fariy-Ice-Tale-Age Common and Difference

    Four special protagonists of both Shrek and Ice Age may be different, but they have a lot in common.