Akela Victoire

  • She Won't Know

    "She won't know, Roxy..." Sky whispered in her ear. "You're right, Sky... She won't..." They never meant for their friendship to become more than just that. They were just confidantes to each other. Now that line was crossed and no one must ever find out, especially his wife... Dedicated to Midnights-AM-Child.

  • Duality

    Two worlds, two kingdoms, two choices. Malcolm, Roxy's oldest child discovers that he is not just heir to his mother's future kingdom, but is heir to the man he never knew was his father's kingdom as well. The choice is not that simple however, as both realms have their own enemies and wars to fight and making his father's identity known would not help matters...

  • Oppan Hogwarts Style

    Anything Umbridge hates, Hogwarts loves. Including the latest Muggle hit song- Gangnam Style...

  • The Skrewt Sacrifice

    The Blast-Ended Skrewts have taken over Hogwarts. The terrified students must find a way to save their castle from the Skrewt siege. And that they do, when they decide to offer up a sacrifice- a... toady sacrifice... Dedicated to Cheyla.

  • The Gift Dilemma

    Eloise is having problems coming up with a gift for her mum's birthday. Her friend Anthony offers to help her with her dilemma.

  • Luna the Rainbringer

    Luna has gotten it into her head that she can manipulate the weather, but Hermione isn't so convinced. Ginny decides to be the neutral one.

  • Nothing Special

    Eloise doesn't feel as if she's anything special in the looks department.

  • Bright Spot

    In these times of darkness, moments of laughter and friendship are savoured even more.

  • Fly Away

    A young Harry dreams of being able to fly with his own pair of wings.

  • Respite

    After the Battle of Hogwarts, Ernie and Susan enjoy a little respite from reality together.

  • One of Us

    Squib!Harry AU. One word in Dumbledore's letter convinces Petunia that raising Harry doesn't have to be as terrible as she thought.

  • Trolling the Toad

    If his life at Hogwarts was going to be a living hell, then so was hers. She wouldn't know what hit her.

  • Sewing Obsession

    Luna becomes even more preoccupied than usual with her sewing projects. Harry is not amused.

  • The Smallest Thing

    Neville and Hannah send their daughter off to Hogwarts with a little advice on how to make friends.

  • Prelude to the Afterlife

    Sirius's introduction to the afterlife doesn't quite go as he expected it to.

  • Underestimated

    Just because your friend is pregnant doesn't mean that their mobility should be underestimated, as Hermione and Ginny learn the hard way. How were they to know that heavily pregnant Luna could move like that in the snow?

  • Persuasive

    He knew she could be persuasive, but Neville never realised exactly how persuasive she could really be until she persuaded him to go to an event he had been dreading all year...

  • Perfect

    He was the Golden Boy as a teen, she was the mean, bigoted girl. Yet, they grew up, and put aside their differences, only to discover that they were perfect for each other.

  • Fairy of the Mafia

    AU. Growing up as a Mafia Boss' daughter, Bloom DeLuca's life was never average. But when an actual fairy princess literally crashes into her life and drags her along for the ride into her magical world, she learns that magic has the potential to be just as dangerous...

  • Did He Really?

    Professors McGonagall and Vector discuss the Malfoy vs Buckbeak incident over dinner one evening.