
  • Filken Lied : Papa, Hear Nozomi Sing

    Nozomi has something important to say to her father-so naturally she chooses a piece from a Broadway show to do it with, like most teenage girls would. Set to the tune of 'Do You Hear The People Sing' from 'Les Miserables', as opposed to the version from Ibsen's Enemy Of The People - The Musical. Yeah.

  • Filken Lied : Chief Kakuzawa's Plans

    Chief Kakuzawa is a lying sexist hypocritical bigot - and those are his good points. A song filk tribute set to the theme song to the 1960's 'The World Of Commander McBragg' cartoon shorts. Yeah, this one is obscure, even by my standards. Better You Tube it for reference.

  • Beyond The Suite

    Quark listens to a Human long dead, with a familiar voice, and is inspired. But is he drawing the right lesson?

  • Abysmal

    Mesogog finds himself where he cannot believe he is, and with someone he cannot believe is there. But he is, and they are, and he must deal.

  • The Second Grinching (Poem)

    Mister Yeats, meet Mister Geisel. A reworking of the classic poem 'The Second Coming' with the events of 'How The Grinch Stole Christmas'.

  • Not A Winter Wonderland

    In this drabble, Luke's return to Dagobah in ROTJ has Yoda offering up simple observations. Warning for groaner ending.

  • Voltron Goes On (Song Filk)

    Peter Cullen steps aside for this narration, in favor of four lads from Liverpool. A song-filk set to the tune of 'Obla-Di, Obla-Da' from the White Album, in which Paul tried to form the head-and failed. Some say that the album was White because the band couldn't agree on a cover, but I think it was more of Witch Haggar's evil spells!

  • Bond Ranks His Bass

    What happens when breakneck spy action meets holiday stop-motion? The name is Kringle - Kris Kringle. A song filk based on 'First Toymakers To The King' from the Rankin/Bass' holiday classic ' Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town (1970)'

  • Filken Lied : Shirakawa's Day

    Shirakawa made some choices, now frozen in amber forever, and she will hear them replay. A song filk set to the tune of 'Another Day' by Paul McCartney, a song once derided as fluff by his former collaborator, John Lennon.

  • Filken Lied : Kurama

    Kurama accepted a honey-pot of a job, and finds it less and less acceptable by turns. A song filk set to the tune of 'The Logical Song' by Supertramp.

  • Elfen Liner Notes : Inside Man

    He only wanted a job. What he found was an island hell. Can he get off of it, and even if he does, will it leave him even then? Written with a certain set of creepy stories in mind. Features various characters and locations in the Diclonius Research Institute.

  • Filken Lied : Arakawa

    From stooge to player-and back to stooge again. The moral quandary of an ascended comic relief character with a lot to answer for. A filk set to the tune of 'Barracuda' by Heart.

  • Averting Disaster

    In this drabble, Sam must save an entire galaxy...by stopping a snack purchase?

  • HP-B8 : Morality Most Grey

    The new Minister For Magic faces a decision that should be easy but instead tears at him. Kingsley Shacklebolt will seek every sort of advice as he seeks the wisdom to stand in final judgment over another living being. Part of a series, "Harry Potter And The Crazy Eighth"

  • Harry Song Fillk

    Near the end of OotP, Umbridge asks a question she'll regret. Let the sunshine in and prepare to enter the 5th Dimension! Based on the AM radio version of the musical 'Hair's lead song, as sung by the Cowsills, AKA the Real Life Partridge Family.