
  • Black and White

    Harry had grown up knowing Andrew is his brother, no matter what people kept saying. One day they find out they're wizards and not only that but they're both famous. Only one problem the wizarding world expect two White heros to rise. How will they react to a Black hero? rated T for discrimination and language. Harry/Tonks, Hermione/OC v.s Ron. BOOK 2 NOW UP!

  • The New Kid

    Set in 5th year AU, Harry had to go into hiding but now is back and facing more problems than he ever thought he could handle. Bad summary, better story Powerful!Harry (Ron,Ginny and Dumbledore Bashing!) Harry/multi, NL/LB/HA First HP Fic please be nice!

  • Promises

    Harry and Hermione make a promise to one another, but one of them, isn't able to keep up their end of the deal. ONE-SHOT.

  • Before the Fame

    This is the story of when Bubblegum and Marceline met. AU. Follow the story of Bonnibel as she struggles with her acceptance into an ivy league school, her semi-annoying friends and first real crush. Also the fact that her hometown is in the middle of war puts a bit of stress on her. Post Mushroom war!