

  • Vous rencontrer

    Severus en a marre d'être un tableau. Et qui est cet enfant qui persiste à l'importuner !

  • Some naughty OS

    Here is some of my lemony works. Let's say that Hermione is a very lucky girl You'll find some threesome or moresome so if you don't like, don't read !

  • Le temps de la vérité: Verum Tempore

    War is over. Sadly, this time good hasn't defeated evil and, having killed Harry, Voldemort is now free to establish his reign of darkness. Unless… What if Hermione wasn't who she always thought she was? Could the content of the tiny box Dumbledore left her change the fate of thousands?

  • Ce que veulent les sorcières

    Et Fred entendit ce que les sorcières voulaient... Cadeau à sucrette000 pour la 600e review de Verum Tempore

  • Méfiez-vous de l'eau qui dort

    ou quand l'habit ne fait pas le moine... One-Shot lemonesque Hermione/Surprise. - l'image n'est pas à moi.

  • Forward (English version)

    AU & EWE. The war is over and the wizarding world is rebuilding. But everything changes when Hermione disappears ... To find herself seventeen years in the future! And the least we can say is that there is not only good wine that gets better with time ... /!\ DM/HG/HP Threesome /!\ If you don't like it, don't read it!