
  • Awakening

    So this is after Koujaku's bad end. Aoba tries to take over Shiroba, trying to help Koujaku in the process with Scrap. But that's not the last of their troubles... There's KouAo (Koujaku x Aoba/ Aoba x Koujaku) in this Dramatical Murder fanfic, btw XD

  • Aobooty

    XD ok, ok, this was inspired by some pics I found on Instagram, and I thought I should make this Aobooty fanfic come to life, with my Dramatical Murder OTP, Koujaku x Aoba (also known as kouao). It's fluffy-ish, and it's not smutty. There is, however, mentions of cuddling, a bit of French Kissing, and sweet kawaii-ness that can give you diabetes. You have been warned XD