
  • Life Goes On

    AU. While getting lost on his way to the convenient store, a blind Asami is helped by an eccentric photographer who goes by the name of Takaba Akihito.

  • Leave It Be

    When Hide discovers the gruesome mechanics of Kaneki and Tsukiyama's relationship, he attempts to talk some reason into his friend. Inevitability,he ends up spreading them further apart.

  • Broken Wings

    Hide and Arima make a deal. Kaneki suffers the aftermath of it.

  • We're Only Human

    "Do you think, Renji-kun, that for a second, killing your sister was an easy task?" Years ago, the oldest Yomo fell in love with an awkward, silent high school boy who went by the name of Arima Kishou. Somehow, he fell in love with her too.

  • Picture me There

    When Takaba stepped out of Asami's life six months ago, he'd learn to loathe the photographer more than anything else. He'd moved on, and was planning to propose to a woman in the near future. However, a shoe box full of pictures and a letter threatens to change all of that.

  • September

    Kaneki has finally reached his breaking point, and Hide is left to pick up his many pieces.

  • Specimen

    In Kaneki's eyes, Hide is the real monster.

  • A Little Bit More

    When Sherlock sees nothing wrong with going undercover as a prostitute in order to solve a case, John is concerned by his friends disregard for something so personal. It never occurred to him that Sherlock had become accustomed to non-consensual sex a very young age. It never occurred to Sherlock that he had even been raped.

  • Ode To Joy

    Asami deals with PTSD. Takaba deals with mending a broken Asami any way he can. Will be multi-chapter

  • There Be Dragons

    Due to a hereditary heart condition, John discovers that he only has a month to live. Knowing full well that the knowledge of his impending death will destroy the consulting detective, he decides that he cannot tell Sherlock of his condition. Rather, he strives to destroy his relationship with the youngest Holmes in order to save him from impossible heartbreak. Read and review!

  • Helping Hand

    Hide is hiding something from Kaneki, and it has "ghoul" written all over it. Not to mention, Kaneki notices that Hide is becoming a lot paler, and a lot thinner. And are those bruises on the blonds arms, or are they bite marks? Please read and review!

  • Window to the Soul

    Takaba brings down Asami's company. Years later, he reunites with a broken man. Multi-chapter

  • What We Lose

    The mental scars weren't the only things that Kaneki carried after his traumatic ordeal with Jason. Non con, mpreg.

  • Delusional

    Sudoh is delusional. Unfortunately, it took him all of his life to figure this out.

  • Distance Between Memories

    Kaneki finally confronts Hide upon the discovery that he is working with the CCG. Too bad the other pissed off ghouls made it to Hide first. They expect Kaneki to finish the blond off. But even for his own survival and that of his kind, can he really kill his best friend in cold blood?

  • Gone

    Three years ago, Asami ended his relationship with Akihito in order to marry and produce an heir for Sion. Three years later, his son has been murdered, and all evidence regarding the killer points to Akihito. Against his better judgment, Asami makes the blond pay, and as a result, loses more than he had lost in the first place. But gains a little more in the end.

  • The Devil's Own

    Mikhail reminisces on his life, his hopelessness of God, and his eventual acceptance of his own personal Devil. His Uncle. Through his senseless thoughts, he realizes that he is indeed a very lonely, very miserable man. Perhaps a visit to China in search of a certain somebody could lift his spirits? Or perhaps it could do the exact opposite.

  • Different Shades, Same Color

    Asami suspects that Akihito is betraying him after Kuroda spots the boy with a dangerous enemy. As usual, Asami investigates, and finds out that the relationship between the photographer and detective is deeper than he thought.

  • Black Sheep

    In the midst an Underworld dispute between Asami and another organization, Takaba is once again dragged into middle of the deadly conflict. Jealousy gives birth to many vices, including unwanted children. Takaba finds this out the hard way. (Aki/Asami, Aki/OC, past Asami/OC , non-con, Mpreg)

  • When We Believe

    When a job goes from bad to worse, Takaba Akihito finds himself at the mercy the Russian Mafia, and a very a psychotic Yuri who is hungry for revenge. Nearly paralyzed, tormented, and miles away from Japan, Takaba begins to count his days. Hopefully Asami can save him before its too late.