Tess 4 5

  • Lafferty - Door 3

    Making progress is not only moving in together, you also have to manoeuvre life around work. Our detective couple has to go down a few floors at the Met. This is Door 3. I'd like to give a mild warning about a description of cruelty. But that's what you could expect when the title of a story is the name of a pathologist, couldn't you?

  • The Green Gem, London - Door 2

    Making progress is not only moving in together, you also have to have a break from time to time. Our detective couple spends this break in a green oasis in the middle of the city. This is Door 2.

  • Hillier - Door 1

    Making progress is not only moving in together, you also have to inform some people. Our detective couple has to go up a few floors at the Met. This is Door 1. Part of the Emerald Series, Part2.

  • Decisions and For the Sake of old Times

    It started with Merry Christmas. The previous story to this was mirror mirror. Now the Emerald Series, Part 2, continue. What else is there to say? Their life goes on. It's the middle of March, let's say 2010. Some thoughts come with every serious relationship.

  • The Clown

    A case is wrapped, the weekend has arrived, Barbara has plans and her boss too. Not only ended Tommy's day with the prospect of doing her paperwork. Barbara's evening does not go as planned either.

  • Out in the Country

    Even detectives need some time off. These two spend it in Cornwall. Just a fluffy piece.

  • New Year's Rant

    It was the last day of the year and apart from the pandemic situation London was struck by two major cases. One of them was on the way to be solved by the best team of the Met.

  • Times

    A virus is on a crusade around the world and also reaches London. It doesn't stop at beloved people. But where there's darkness, there will be light. Where there's an end there will be a new beginning.

  • Little Man

    This started as a pair of Don'tTalkTalk-story but while I wrote it I thought it needs a little more. So I put a little more to it. See how a little man can set things straight. Enjoy.

  • The View II - or: Melting Sunday

    Here it is. Enjoy the sequel to The View, which you should read first if you not yet have. See how Tommy and Barbara spend the rest of the weekend. M-rated for reasons! Seriously! Please read and review!

  • Bathtub

    Barbara and Thomas were back in the cottage trying to get themselves warm again. Like Thomas mentioned before, that's what they're here for. (Sequel to the T- and M-rated series starting with Merry Christmas, previous episode was St. Ives/Strolling About.)

  • I do not allow

    This is born out of the Don't Talk / Talk challenge but it's VERY different. And I found that I didn't want to write less than 300 words. Yes, IT IS TRAGIC and I've never written something alike. Be warned. (8 hours after I've published this I've read it again and now I got tears in my eyes myself...)

  • St Ives - Strolling about

    Barbara and Thomas are in St. Ives to ostensibly escape a posh party but in truth to have some time on their own. After having spent the night very active they deserve a little time to relax. Time to explore St. Ives. I try to keep this T-rated - it's broad daylight. (Sequel to the T- and M-rated series starting with Merry Christmas, previous episode was Refuge.)

  • Little Glass Slippers

    They had just returned from a tough case and were sent to Rome immediately after. Barbara was angry with Tommy though it was not his fault she had to come with him and she decided to use the police laptop for her personal distraction. (This is M-rated for reasons. If you don't like that don't read it. If you read it anyway don't blame me.) FINISHED!

  • Don't Talk - Talk (M)

    Christmas UPDATE! This is the challenge in M. No dialogue and only dialogue (and only thoughts) in under 300 words. Have your fun. And thanks for reviews. Usual disclaimer: I don't own ILM. There are 10 little chapter-stories now, sometimes starting in the T-rated twin story

  • Don't Talk - Talk

    Disclaimer: I don't own ILM. Orig. challenge: get together, no dialogue at all and nothing but dialogue (Cats later invented: thoughts), each less than 300 words. First results: Private Walk, PrivateTalk - 12 more (not only get together) stories (latest: Happy Easter, Easter Thief, [Cornish Walk 1 & 2, Cornish Cottage]) - TBC, M-rated version available

  • Cornish Winter

    Daze's birthday, snow in Cornwall, horses. A short fic that came to my mind when I woke up yesterday and looked out of the window seeing the world was covered in white. Funny fluff. No case. UPDATE just a small scribble, don't expect too much ;-)

  • Who Cares? ! Book 1

    She's furious, he's indifferent - until she told him her secret. Learn how it had come to the situation in the Nanrunnel police station and what happened afterwards. A weekend at Howenstow, developed from a short fragment with no intro, no outro and no case. Fragment - prequel - sequel. Seperated post-sequel is published and updated.

  • Operation Hotel Room

    The Met has multiple cases. One of them brings two detectives into strange situations in a hotel room. It's just work. It all comes along with the case. Seriously. (OKAY! After so many requests to continue this story I'd like to advise to keep your eyes open and the filters set right. It will take its time but I won't change the rating of THIS story...)

  • with a hint of seaweed

    Another short one. Tommy eavesdropped. He heard things that could make the imagination run the wrong way. Shame on you, Tommy! (I've put it back into In-Progress status, but there is another sequel I have to write first. Among other duties such as real life and work...)