

  • cut & paste personality

    modern!au / "Who am I talking to?" Theon grinds out, icily. "Ramsay Bolton? Or his doctors?"

  • A Cup of Wine

    It was the first time anyone had seen Roose Bolton smile.

  • And I Must Scream

    "Neither can live while the other survives": Harry Potter trades his ability to die for Voldemort's life. A somber look at immortal!Harry.

  • Filling

    What-if AU drabble about what Artemis was missing all along.

  • Son of Wild

    Drabble. Khan feels a kinship with our tortured, dying Earth. "Your grandson will honour you."

  • Glitched

    The destruction of the Time Turners has horrible consequences. Crack! The destruction of the Time Turners has horrible consequences. Crack! The destruction of the Time Turners has horrible consequences.

  • Nøkken

    A fairy tale told by a grandmother to her granddaughter. AU: something else found Jack that wintry night of his birth.

  • The Mystery

    A darker take on what happens when Artemis Fowl falls in love. dark!Artemis (?)

  • The Heart

    The Joker, sick and heartbroken, plans to recreate himself. Another scheme is in motion; one that'll shake his darling to the core and break the Bat like no other clown can. Post Death of the Family.

  • run hide retreat surrender

    Miles and Waylon, coping together.

  • Ferret Phase

    Let's look a bit closer at the situation, shall we?

  • Amortentia

    His son looks at him like he wants him to beg, apologize, to explain himself, just say something, anything... And Tom Riddle Senior turns away and says nothing at all.

  • White Rabbit

    It's a metaphor, really. warning: implied pedophilia

  • The Glass in Your Eyes

    Happily ever after depends on how hard you look. The war with Voldemort still rages—inside Harry's head. Dark, but simplistic.

  • blue black, brown black, black black

    SPOILERS. Post Outlast: Whistleblower. Waylon is ill, and it is a Walrider infested Miles who nurses him back to health through questionable methods. Told through a fucked up version of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Slash.

  • Gladys

    Where Marv got the inspiration to name his Springfield Armory M1911A1, Gladys.

  • Vacuum of God

    AU: WWII becomes an everlasting war, fracturing the world beyond repair. Whoever's left fights for the scraps. Or: Erik Lehnsherr has been Shaw's pet monster since he was a boy. It takes a half mad telepath and an apocalypse to snap him out of it.

  • Which is the Reflection?

    In the face of the greater good, telling lies from truth is hard, and ultimately, meaningless. Section 13 centric. Crossover with the SCP Foundation (www. scp . wiki . net).

  • Hubris

    AUish. Theon escapes to King's Landing in order to rinse, repress and start anew. However, the ancient city holds many mysteries—in particular one that'll ensnare him, containing grotesque sacrifices to the Drowned God. Theon gains help from an unlikely source: Acolyte Ramsay. For a price.

  • The Miasma Diaries

    Yellowing pages, scattered about the world, found everywhere from the Ural Mountains to bottled in the Marina's Trench; notes written by Pitch Back.