

  • Silk

    Octavian keeps his bloodied trophy trapped in the cellar. AnthonyxOctavian, postRome AU

  • Peel

    The first time the Sentinel Program goes wrong.

  • Thanatos

    [Suffering, a study:] People think he's dumb. But he knows he's smart because he's finally figured it out.

  • W

    PostS02. John disappears, bombs go off in London, and the name MORAN keeps reappearing. Sherlock wasn't the only one who fell that day. Slash.

  • ha(r)mony

    Zuko just wants to see the scar under his skin; underneath his face [DARK]

  • Belfast

    You think you know him? Empty as wire, violent as fire — KhanxAnyone.

  • Decaying, Silently

    the thoughts of a man who watches worlds die [The Collector: a story of futility]

  • Verflucte Übermenschen

    Also titled The Breaking of James T. Kirk. Khan gets his revenge and decides to break and rebuild his human trophy. "I want you to understand that you are helpless. Not just weaker than me. Not just failing in determination. But helpless." DISTURBING. Sequel to The Bleeding Machine.

  • Dog Teeth

    On Rulfio / a Whaler origin, featuring a boy's escape from the Trials of Aptitude.

  • Spring Rite

    It is common knowledge: Ginko must not remain at one place too long, or he will become a nest for mushi. "Well," a village elder says to himself, "it's time to test that."

  • Muted

    PreSTiD. The scientists gather around their masterpiece: the first instance of successful cryopreservation.

  • Bug

    As a child, Loki contemplates existence together with an insect.

  • To watch a dog devour one's hand

    A very, very different portrayal of Loki handling romance and "letting go". Control, hunger, dread.

  • The Red Room

    Ginny Weasley gets lost at Hogwarts. PostDH. Contains nightmare fuel. Spoilers in the reviews!