
  • Professional Help

    Lennier needs professional help. Takes place shortly after season two begins. Part of the 'Babylon 5: Maintenance Files' series.

  • All Ones of a Kind

    One of these things is not like the others; one of these things know that they all belong. Based off of this shared prompt: the moth made from Quorra's damaged code. Part 4 of the Grid Myths and Stories series.

  • The Voice

    Feral's memories were badly fragmented, and run files and view files out of order. Now, she can remember Rinzler telling her what happened to his voice. AU, part 9 of the Grid Myths and Stories series. Gifted to To The Sky

  • Beg Me

    Sawyer thinks that Sayid owes him something after being tortured to find Shannon's inhaler. And he wants Sayid to beg for the chance to make it up to him.

  • Do You Take Song Requests?

    The Joker has a question for one of the other inmates in Arkham Asylum. I do not own the rights to any songs/artists/stories referenced in this work. I only own my hat.

  • Drifting

    Why is it so hard to Drift... when you were cast adrift long ago? Achieve drift with someone she can partner with—anyone that she can partner with, Pentecost tells her, he doesn't care if it's the lunch lady or a janitor—within the next three weeks, or be ejected from the jaeger pilot program. Contains OCs, mention of family deaths, mention of implied past rape/non-con.

  • Different Species

    Captain Sheridan learns to identify a new species. Set during the episode 'Soul Mates'.

  • Following User Protocols

    Following User Protocols is a confusing process for programs; but they're going to do so. Even if they argue about it. Pre-Uprising 'verse. Part of the Grid Myths and Stories series...

  • Now I Lay Me Down To SleepMode, I Pray My User My Code To Keep

    Faith in their Users. Sometimes, it's what defines a program. CLU-centric drabbles; taking place shortly before and during TRON (1982).

  • Imperfect Control

    Something new is found on the Grid. No matter what he does, though, CLU can only keep imperfect control of it. Part 2 of 'Grid Myths and Stories' series. Pre-Legacy AU. Caution: contains/refers to circuit sex, non-consensual/rape, nightmares, non-con drug use, possible mentions of self-harm, and use of restraints. Trigger warnings at top of chapter if applicable.

  • Inside of Me There's Someone Not Unspoken

    Tron's not certain where he is right now; or why the BlackGuard here seems so familiar. Grid Myths and Stories series, takes place shortly before 'And Their Path Was Lined With Digital Primroses...'

  • I Spy

    What if "Who's the Better Killer" wasn't Kyra's favorite game? What if she wanted to play? ridiculous drabble

  • Mermaids Shouldn't Love

    Mermaids shouldn't love, they told her...It only ended badly and with heartbreak; mermaids with broken hearts rising to the surface so they could have the release of feeling their tears slide down their face. Or, what happened after Philip set Syrena free...

  • And Their Path Was Paved With Digital Primroses

    The path to hell is lined with primroses, fair to look at until you realize that the cobbles are the bones of those who have died of good intentions... And in the Grid, the primroses are still there...they're simply digital. Post-Uprising 'verse Part of the 'Grid Myths and Stories' series.

  • Fireworks

    Independence Day on the Grid. Happy 4th of July, Tron! part of the 'Grid Myths and Stories' series

  • Under The Rock

    Riddick's thoughts while under the rock. "Riddick-2013"

  • Mother, May I?

    Simon didn't play the right game...and now his family thinks he deserves a spanking.

  • To See If I Still Feel

    Rinzler finds Feral doing something that he doesn't understand. Caution! Contains depiction/mention of self-harm! Part 10 of 'Grid Myths and Stories' series. As always, I own nothing but my hat...

  • You Can't Culture Me

    Tony thinks that Pepper is trying to make him become more cultured. Well, he's not about to let THAT happen...

  • We Understand

    the Moth from Quorra's code is back...because Tron and it understand. Part 5 of the 'Grid Myths and Stories' series, takes place in post-Legacy AU, before 'Rare Prize'.