
  • Selling Your Soul For Cake

    The very brief rise and fall of Nagisa Momoe, magical girl.

  • Echoes of a Dead Girl

    Madoka's here to save Homura. Nagisa *sigh* wants to eat cheese again. Sayaka can only wish that her feelings were so easy to sort out. (Contains Rebellion spoilers, and relies pretty heavily on knowledge of Rebellion to make sense.)

  • 5 Hours, 24 Minutes

    Once every decade, Sakuya gets exactly six hours of vacation time on her birthday. Of course, without her around, it doesn't even take *that* long before everything in the Scarlet Devil Mansion starts going to hell...

  • Dust

    In which Patchouli learns that Marisa sucks at metaphors and never cleans her cottage, but has surprisingly nuanced opinions on immortality.

  • The Dollmaker's Daughter

    One of Alice's lifelong goals is fulfilled when a Shanghai doll works its way up to sentience. But how exactly does one raise a doll? And are two teenage magicians really ready for parenthood? [Update Feb. 11 2014 - added epilogue]

  • The (Many) Death(s) of Reimu Hakurei

    (OR: Waiting for Eiki) It's not often that Komachi gets a fare as talkative as Reimu. If only the shrine maiden would just *stay dead*...

  • Torches and Pitchforks

    Sekibanki almost fights an angry mob, and almost makes a friend.