

  • Murry Birthmus

    A small Oneshot for Leon's birthday. Set in Legion Mate.

  • Civil War

    The pain of a war is crippling. Oneshot telling about why Neve accepted the request of being a Quatre Knight. Set in season 4. Rated T for violence and war.

  • Answers

    Unfortunately, they don't always come. Kaichi. Set in Legion Mate. Warning: Major character death

  • Marigolds

    The flowers of despair. Set in Legion Mate

  • Shades of Crimson

    Reverse!Kai and Reverse!Aichi smut. May be continuous if requested. Added part 2

  • Rose

    Beauty doesn't last forever, especially if you lose all your happiness. Kaichi. Set in Legion Mate.

  • Happily Ever After

    Predicted ending for season 4. Kaichi.

  • Insanity

    Kai is slowly going insane. Kaichi, set in Legion Mate.

  • The King and the Knight

    A knight's duty is to satisfy the king. Gaichi and hinted Kaichi. Set in Legion Mate.

  • Beauty from Pain

    There is beauty in everything. Kaichi. Pokemon AU

  • Red and Blue

    Ren has more than "friendly feelings" for Aichi. Oneshot. Fluffy goodness. RenAi

  • I'm your Kai kun now

    Gaillard had always had strange feelings for Aichi, and always scowled at Aichi's relationship for Kai. Rated M for certain reasons. Gaichi and hinted Kaichi. Written for many requests. Added part 3

  • Battle of Love

    Love is like a battle. Legion Mate. Kaichi and Gaichi

  • Awkward Moments

    Sometimes things get so awkward that you wonder why the person fell in love with you in the first place. Set after Legion Mate, Kaichi, Kai's POV

  • Sun

    Aichi is the sun, and he thinks that his light blinds and burns, but what he doesn't know is that his gentle shine brings life as well。Set in Legion Mate. Kai's POV

  • Change

    Aichi and Kai have begun to become like each other. Set in Legion Mate finale.

  • Locked Dragon's Will

    Inspired by Caged baby dragon by Luka Mengurine。

  • Candy

    All good things run out eventually. Set in Legion Mate. Kaichi.

  • Wish

    Be careful for what you wish for.

  • Locked

    Aichi is locked.