There really is no point in saying goodbye.
[generic post-T&T timeline; spoiler-free drabble] The memory of their voices has so many faces.
[post-T&T] There are things to bury, others to let grow.
[AJ-DD] Ivy is the first thing to catch their attention in Italy. It clings to the walls like lace, elegant and light, as it devours its way in between the bricks.
Why should it be any different?
He remembers what being in a cage used to be like.
The kitten by his side is much like the snow.
Aperture had always been a place where everything and everyone stayed on their own forever.
If this man could become the (second? or is he that boastful?) best detective in the country, then absolutely anything can happen.
[post-T&T] She must make amends for mistakes that were not hers.
A collection of Night Vale drabbles, mostly 100-word ones. Information is always updated to the latest episodes, so beware of spoilers.
I did not need him crowned Emperor to know.
They called them happy endings.
[Mook/Future Fish AU] "What's wrong, Rei-chan?" he mutters, in the empty spaces left by the noise of the train. "Are you still thinking about that dream?"
Humans, Wheatley decides, are complicated.
Some of them believed Aperture had been the worst mistake of their lives. And yet there they were, one more Christmas later.
All throughout his life, there has been a truth just out of reach.
GLaDOS wasn't laughing. Neither was Chell.
To Rei, beauty is a memory.
[Rated T for mild gore] It is nothing new, that much is certain. It runs in his veins. As far as the origins may be, it has been within Shinji since his world began.