
  • Not A Paradise

    A perfectly happy life took a turn for the dark for Hermione Granger; a perfectly chaotic life of one reclusive Severus Snape became more chaotic with the arrival of a certain young witch. Not a tale of love, but loathe is what you're going to step into. A story that discovers hope, resilience and love in the darkest creases of destiny.

  • To Heal The Petals

    When Giselle Potter is left broken, a certain Professor is assigned to aid her. Stuck with an undesirable condition to deal with, engulfed in the memories of the horrid events after the 5th year, will the Professor be able to Heal a battered soul?

  • Never The Same

    The story is about Aaeriel Potter, the daughter of James and Lily, James is very harsh towards his daughter, but not his son - Harry, Why ? Does she not deserve her father's love ? It is an Alternate Universe fic... But please, don't decline it for being an Alternate Universe Fanfic as there are reasonings for each and every thing that is changed from the real HP world.