
  • Signs

    Luna's never been what anyone expected. She likes it that way.

  • Green Eyes

    Petunia's happy, isn't she? She's got everything she ever wanted. Or, well, almost. (Prompt: Witch! Petunia AU.)

  • Existential Uncertainty, Written in Lights

    The sun is going to come up soon, and Harry won't be around to see it. (Written for the Kill That Character (or not) Competition. Assassin level. Suicide warning!)

  • Beyond the Veil

    Harry's always wondered what death is like. For the All About You Challenge.

  • Brambles and New Opportunities

    AU. What if Snape doesn't call Lily a Mudblood? Written for the Was That You? Competition.

  • Empty

    Ginny had never felt so alive before Tom was destroyed. AU. Ginny/Voldemort.

  • Winter Wishes

    It started out watching the snow, but became so much more. Ginny/Luna. Written for the 96 Hour Slash/Femmeslash Challenge.

  • Mirage

    Dark AU. Lily's in his arms, safe from harm, and nothing else matters. Or does it?

  • Hope

    Luna started at Hogwarts with high hopes but it's not going so well until she stumbles into a clearing in the Forbidden Forest.

  • Painting the Sunrise

    Barty's not doing so well, but Luna doesn't mind. Written for Screaming Faeries, for the Monthly One Shot Exchange.

  • First Day

    It's time to go to school. Muggle AU. Written for the Occasion-a-Day Competition/Challenge.

  • Blue and Gold

    Luna and Ginny, through the years. Written for the Occasion-a-Day Competition/Challenge.

  • Reminiscing

    Hermione's wedding ring is missing. Written for the Occasion-a-Day Competition/Challenge.

  • Lost in Dreams

    Luna and Harry have a moment with the thestrals. Luna realises something important. Written for the Occasion-a-Day Competition/Challenge.

  • Support

    Luna's got a new binder. Written for the Occasion-a-Day Competition/Challenge.

  • Everyone's Good At Something

    Gilderoy has to find new material for his books somehow, doesn't he? Written for the Occasion-a-Day Competition/Challenge.

  • Passing Love Letters

    Hannah gets an anonymous love note. Written for the Occasion-a-Day Competition/Challenge.

  • Journeys

    Morag has to visit a Muggle hospital. She's not doing so well. At least she has her mother. (Self harm and hospitalisation warning). Written for the Occasion-a-Day Competition/Challenge.

  • Bad Dreams

    Ron has a bad dream. Ginny comforts him. Written for the Occasion-a-Day Competition/Challenge.

  • Shared Afternoons

    Pomona is addicted to coffee. Severus enables her. Written for the Occasion-a-Day Competition/Challenge and the Pairing a Day Challenge.