

  • Unseen scenes

    Some unseen scenes during or after Lance in the Heart. Sort of sad, you are warned. Oneshot. Is better then this sucky summary. Bones isn't mine. R&R!

  • Son of the Father

    Daisy wakes up and looks at her son, thinking about his father. Sucky summary, story is short but good. ish. IS sorta sad. Just something I whipped up as a reaction to the premiere. Enjoy. Or not. Bones isn't mine.

  • Sent back

    Reid gets aged down and the team has to get him back to adulthood, day by day. No pairings. Story is better then the summary, and the explanation for the aging down. R&R! Rated for language and context in later chapters! Disclaimer: Criminal Minds is not mine :P

  • CM Drabbles

    Random Criminal Minds drabbles. In various seasons and genres. Some funny, some sad. Some long, most short. most will be Reid!Centeric. Rated for possible content in later chapters. R&R!

  • Birthday for Baby Duck

    Booth throws Sweets a birthday party. post- season nine. Oneshot! R&R! Story is a bit better then the lame summary.

  • Sick

    Spencer gets the flu. Sick!Reid/Helpful!Garcia friendship fic, with some of the others sprinkled in! Oneshot! Rated for sickness and other such things! R&R!

  • Sober

    Just some drabbles about Reid's sobriety. Story is better then the summary. R&R Oneshot!