
  • Brian and Vinny: Millionaire Dogs

    When Vinny wins fifty million dollars in a website contest and shares half the money with Brian, the two dogs enjoy what it's like to live as millionaires. However, when they invest on an invention Stewie creates for a company, they soon find out the importance of being rich. Loosely based on the Rugrats episode "Chuckie is Rich".

  • Friends Forever

    Part of the Brian and Vinny fanfic series, and sequel to "Memories Recovered", after Scott finds out that his owner is returning, Brian, Vinny, New Brian and Jasper do their best to make his remaining time as a Griffin dog the best.

  • Goddess of a New World

    Sequel to the Alternate Ending, "Sell My Soul". Christine finds a mysterious, supernatural notebook that has the power to kill anyone whose name is written in it, a power that is more feared than that of the Lamia. But will this achieve her new goal, and to avenge Clay? Or will she pay the price?

  • Sell My Soul

    In this alternate ending to the film, Clay does the unthinkable to spare Christine, saving her life...

  • Remembering a Friend

    After an irresponsible event that involves one of the Griffin family members, and a serious talk, that member decides to leave home until the mistake has been realized. After a month passes, the Griffins decide to pull themselves together, and find someone to adopt into the family. And you won't believe how the fanfic will end...

  • Lady and the Tramp (FG-OC fanmake)

    This is a retelling of the Disney film, Lady and the Tramp, with Family Guy characters and OCs (like Villains' Bad Girl's character Barbara) having the film's characters roles.

  • Brian and Vinny: Twisted Tuesday

    In this parody to the Disney film Freaky Friday, and sequel to Brian and Vinny: A Multiversal Adventure, our two dogs are finding out what it feels like to be like each other...

  • Brian and Vinny: A Multiversal Adventure

    This is a fanfic episode of Family Guy that takes place after the events of Chapter 7 of "What 11-24-13 Would Have Been Like", and pretty much a fanfic sequel to "Road to Multiverse" and the video game "Back to the Multiverse". Vinny, now a member of the Griffin family, and Brian are traveling the Multiverse for an adventure tour...

  • What's Been Going On Within Two Months

    This is a version of the episode "Into Harmony's Way", and an interquel between Chapters 6 and 7 of "What 11-24-13 Would Have Been Like", when Brian was still a robot. What would have gone on within the two months between the chapters besides the fact Brian went out as Chewbacca on Halloween? And would Stewie have started working on the materialization program? Let's find out...

  • If Stewie Hadn't Murdered New Brian

    This is a "what if" story that takes place in the episode "The Man With Two Brians" if Stewie hadn't murdered New Brian. What if New Brian found out what Stewie thought about him and how he treated the family? And what would New Brian have done in response? We're about to find out...

  • Legend of the Dragons

    In this crossover Pokémon/Code Geass fanfic, we take a fanonical look at the origins of the two legendary dragons, Reshiram and Zekrom, and their identities as humans.

  • If New Brian Had Met Vinny

    This is a "what-if" that happens in-between some events of the episode "The Man with Two Brians". What if New Brian had noticed Peter before he was owned by the Griffin family? What if he had met Vinny afterwards? Find out in this short story.