

  • Live A Little

    Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy spend a day in the snow with their son and his family.

  • At The Ball

    Teddy, will you marry me?" "I think that that's a question for another day," TeddyLilyLuna and the innocent fantasies of a young girl.

  • Escaping Prejudices

    Two years after her marriage to Ted, Andromeda writes a letter to the love she left behind.

  • Mirror

    Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Lily is the fairest of them all. Dominique/Scorpius/Lily love triangle. For the If You Dare Challenge on HPFC.

  • Haunted

    Ginny's thoughts and feelings when she sees Harry lying dead in Hagrid's arms during the final battle. Songfic to Taylor Swift's Haunted.