Takara Phoenix

  • The World's Round

    Soccer AU (because Germany is in the semi-finals! *cheers*) - Nico is the captain of the Italian team, Percy is the captain of the American team. They have to face each other on the field during the World Cup, but they end up in bed together after the game. Nico/Percy slash Nicercy - Sequel "The World's Round II" is up!

  • Hot Chocolate Kisses

    Future fic - The twins are crying so Nico has to run and get them back to sleep. While Percy gets to lean back and enjoy his book. At least until their two oldest kids stand in their door, because Donny had a nightmare. Now Percy has to make it better again. Nico/Percy slash Nicercy family fluff

  • Percy's Pastry Paradise

    Percy is the owner of a cute, little bakery. Nico is a lawyer and a regular in the bakery, but Percy doesn't know his name, so he always calls him Handsome Suit in his mind. At least until he finally asks for Nico's name. But they're too oblivious to work it out, at least not until Piper nearly breaks Frank's nose on Alabaster's birthday party. Nico/Percy slash Nicercy

  • The Assassin's Salvation

    Percy's life sucks. His stepfather Gabe, a low-life in the local mafia family, sold him into child prostitution. He and his mother see how Gabe is murdered and go into witness protection. His mom is killed by a hitman. But the one who is supposed to kill him instead falls in love with him and tries to fix him. Alcohol abuse, self-harm, BUT: Happy Ending. Nico/Percy slash Nicercy

  • Three Wishes to Eternity

    Percy buys an oil lamp on a flea market. "Master mine, three wishes are thine" are the words that will change his life forever as he accidentally summons a hot genie named Nico. His first wish is to see the world and the genie is more than willing to travel with his intriguing new master. genie!Nico/Percy slash Nicercy

  • Drunken Dare

    Kind-of-sequel to "Chasing Fireflies". Sander Rodriguez, his husband Donny di Angelo and their friends Trend Austin and Sam Raser are moving in together. Not in New Athens, in New York. On their moving-in-party, one drunken question from Herc Grace may change everything for them though... Trend/Sander/Donny/Sam, slashy foursome

  • The Sea's Sacrifices

    Every year, the merpeople sacrifice a beautiful virgin to a seemingly endless pit, in fear of the gods. They don't know that the pit is a rift in the seabed, leading to the underworld. So when it's Percy's time to be sacrificed, he wakes up chained to the throne of the demon prince of the underworld, Nico. demon!Nico/merman!Percy slash mpreg Nicercy

  • Magic, Revenge and the Ocean

    The Giant War is over, but Percy has trouble dealing with everything and fitting in. So he leaves, wandering around Europe. Where he meets Alabaster again, who tells him that Ethan didn't die during the war but had been teleported away. The problem: Alabaster 'misplaced' Ethan. Percy offers his help. He gets more than he expected. Ethan/Alabaster/Percy slashy threesome with mpreg

  • A Very Half-Blood Father's Day

    Sequel to "A Very Half-Blood Mother's Day" - Percy has big plans for his husband on this year's Father's Day, to repay him for the lovely Mother's Day they have had. But with four tiny di Angelos, will everything really go according to Percy's plans...? Nico/Percy slash Nicercy

  • Nico's Joys

    Sequel to "Nico's Boys" and Nico's Toys" - Nico has to leave for a couple of months, leaving Jason and Percy on their own. Percy can't get past the fact that Jason hasn't yet told him that he loved him, so they split. Good that Leo is capable of whacking Jason's head. And then everything goes to Hades, literally. Nico/Jason/Percy slashy threesome

  • A Very Half-Blood Mother's Day

    Sequel to "A Very Half-Blood Thanksgiving" - It's 2019 and Percy is actually way too exhausted to celebrate Mother's Day, but his two oldest children have other plans. Plans that involve a lot of chaos in the house that Nico has to clean up in time before Percy wakes up. Nico/Percy slash Nicercy future-fic - Sequel "A Very Half-Blood Father's Day" is up!

  • The Trickster Twins Junior

    Sequel to "The Hunt, the Heist and the Jacker" - Jack di Angelo is pregnant. Now he has to deal with school, being pregnant and his lovers living in Hawaii. But it's good he has awesome siblings and parents - and the Stolls are offering help too, of course. Hunt/Heist/Jack slashy threesome with lots of di Angelo family fluff

  • Rebound

    Percy wants to punish himself for Luke's death and seeks that punishment from Travis. But Travis wants more than just hard sex. The good thing is, he's determined. Travis/Percy slash

  • His Equal

    During the Titan War, Romans had to fight against the revolutionary army too. Which means there had to be Romans on Team Kronos too. And to recruit them, Luke had to meet up and work with Octavian, the power-hungry augur of New Rome. Octavian/Luke slash

  • A Tiger With Too Many Stripes

    Percy is a young panther and after they lost their leap, he and his mother end up living with a pride of lions. They're not allowed to enter the jungle, where the tigers rule. Of course, Percy goes into the jungle and meets the king of the jungle, the white tiger Nico. Who does not want a mate. Can Percy change his mind? Nico/Percy slash mpreg Nicercy

  • Making Amends

    After the Titan War, Percy feels guilty for Beckendorf's death, so he spends a lot of time with the children of Hephaestus in the forges, helping them with the repairs. He especially spends a lot of time with the new cabin head, Jake. Jake/Percy slash

  • Lover of the Sea

    Merman AU - Percy is an orphaned stable boy who has always been obsessed with mermen. When their prince catches one, Percy is determined to set the mesmerizing creature free, even before he realizes that it's the prince of the ocean himself, Nico. merman!Nico/Percy slash Nicercy

  • Olympus High: Next Generation

    Oneshot sequel to "Welcome to Olympus High" - Percy and Nico think that it would help their son's social skills to attend a boarding school, so they send him to the school where they had met and fallen in love. Donny di Angelo meets the quarterback, Sander Rodriguez. And falls in love. He also has to deal with his annoying roommate Derek and Sander's friends. Sander/Donny slash

  • An Angel's Love

    AU - Percy is an angel, supposed to sing in the choirs of his Lord. Nico is a demon, supposed to torture souls in the dungeons of his Lord. Yet both rather spend their days naked and at the beach. Nico/Percy slash Nicercy - Prequel "An Angel's Curiosity" and sequel "An Angel's Fall" are up!

  • The Thieves That Stole Their Hearts

    In 2030 there are two orphaned sons of Hermes - Hunter and Hayden, only five years old. They remind Connor of himself and Travis, so he decides to adopt them. Adopting the twins will however change Connor's and Travis' lives forever. It will also change their relationship, because the brothers start seeing each other as more than just brothers. Travis/Connor slash Stollcest