Thalia Kendall

  • Hogwarts is High, not the Author

    A PARODY. In which Hogwarts is blatantly cloned into an American high school, Flitwick coaches basketball, Ron glowers in existential gloom, and Harry... tries to adapt to it all.

  • Indefinite

    She wasn't supposed to. They weren't supposed to. Why couldn't they seem to remember these inexorably insignificant rules?" A somewhat angsty one-shot.

  • Peace Be With You

    [slight OoTP spoilers] Angelina Johnson, on the train ride home from Hogwarts, reflects... and meets with a rival. And in this last day, they find a curious sort of peace. Oneshot fic.

  • Stiletto Heels and Splattered Amphibians

    Written for a challenge, this is a humourous oneshot involving Neville Longbottom, Pansy Parkinson, Trevor the (hallucinogenic) toad being borrowed, and scary, evil pink high heels...

  • Black Roses

    Ginny remembers, and as she sits, surrounded by unusual roses for an unusual love, she reflects. Slightly angsty one-shot with Tom/Ginny hints.

  • Masks

    A girl named Emma Dobbs, and masks. Hiding behind facades, and shattered images. Rating for slight violence and hints of serious themes. Based on RPG. Oneshot dedicated to my friend Kimmie.

  • Ice in Moonlight

    Hidden thoughts and secret meetings. 7th year Ginny Weasley carries a secret. D/G angst-fluff one-shot.

  • Fumes and Ferrets

    ''She was sure that Malfoy took insults as compliments, compliments as insults, and Death threats as flattery.'' 6th year Prefect Ginny Weasley and Head Boy Draco Malfoy, Divination, and snark. One-shot.

  • Fade to Present

    Percy Weasley reflects upon the past, the present, and how his sister used to be... a mildly angsty one-shot about siblings growing apart.

  • Incognito

    Mediwitch Su Li meets a secretive, oddly charming young man in the Leaky Cauldron. Yes, folks, another Cassius Warrington and Su Li oneshot from me.

  • Two Generations of Golden Boys

    A sarcastic Severus Snape reflects upon Gryffindors in general, and a few of them in particular. Snarky introspective ranting one-shot.

  • Snark

    Dedicated to my lovely betaeditor ChainedDove, this is a oneshot about Su Li of Ravenclaw and Cassius Warrington of Slytherin. In the snarky bantering, who gets the last word?

  • Playing For Keeps

    DONE! Oliver Wood, Captain and Keeper of Puddlemere United, certainly has a busy season. And in a game against the Holyhead Harpies, he meets an unexpected match. Will this game have effects on not only his Quidditch career, but his life as well?

  • Til The End

    DONE Cho Chang's life after Cedric...Prefect Meetings, Quidditch, and later on, the harsh real world. Hearts will break, but hope will prevail in the end, and heal the wounds.

  • Friendship And Brotherhood

    A young man looks back on a relationship that didn't quite work... and, because of a peculiar love that he retained for her, is able to feel happy for her. Ron's perspective on a Percy/Hermione relationship. One-shot *done*

  • A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

    A Dean/Padma one-shot that I felt compelled to write. Two unknown people meet on the train on the way home after their 4th year, two people with a strange, indefinite rapport. And in these times, everyone needs friends. *DONE*

  • Sunblock and a Pink Rubber Chicken

    A Percy/Hermione one-shot of flufftacular proportions! Percy is left at the beach by his family with an injunction to "unwind". Now, that would take a little effort...but Hermione is nothing if not smart and resourceful...

  • Broken

    As the Ravenclaw reserve seeker lies injured in the hospital wing after her first game, 4th-year Roger Davies reflects on a broken promise. Bittersweet one-shot.

  • The Thrice Damned Coffee

    Living with Roger Davies could be immensely frustrating! No coffee?! This could turn interesting...a fluffy, funny Roger/Cho one-shot

  • Not Quite a Femme Fatale

    This is how NOT to write a fic...Erica Windsor-Wellington is an American Exchange Student who falls for Oliver Wood...and chaos ensues!!