
  • Bad Day

    Or, 'Eight Times Greg Lestrade Had a Bad Day, and One Time Mycroft Holmes Did'. A series of snapshots chronicling the relationship between Mycroft and Lestrade, from pre-Pink to TSoT. Pre-Mystrade, Mystrade and Post-Mystrade. See warnings inside.

  • The Prince and the Roman

    Part three of the Loki and the Doctor series. A few months before Thor's coronation, Loki is in the fields of Asgard when a smoking TARDIS crash lands nearby. Inside is a Doctor that he recognises, and a married couple just trying to celebrate their anniversary. Episode tag: Pre-Thor / The Power of Three.

  • To Be Loved

    "Surely it must be the greatest thing in the universe; to be loved by the Doctor." Set some time between Terror of the Autons and The Daemons. Unrequited Delgado!Master/Three. See warnings inside.

  • Defusing the Tension

    Amy and the TARDIS conspire to resolve the tension between the Doctor and Rory. Eleven/Rory, Amy/Rory (background). See warnings inside.

  • Prelude

    Part one of the Loki and the Doctor series. In the middle of the night, Loki is visited by a time traveller who tells him that they will meet several times throughout the prince's life, but never in the right order. Pre-Thor / Post-The Name of the Doctor.

  • Retrieved from Within

    Part sixteen of the Angel!Verse. After two hundred years of rampaging through the universe in a grief-stricken haze, the Doctor meets someone from his future who was sent back to make sure that his timeline follows the right path. Oneshot (with a prologue). Episode tag: Post-The Angels Take Manhattan / Post-The Day of the Doctor/Pre-Rose. See warnings inside.

  • Wrapped in Feathers

    Part fourteen of the Angel!Verse. He wakes up in a small, cold room, and he does not know where he is. He does not know who he is. All he knows, is that he is different. Episode tag: Dr Who TV-Movie (re-write). See warnings inside.

  • Happy

    Drabble. Tony likes to prank his friends. Tony likes that new Pharrell song. Tony likes that (rather ironically) Hogan's personal security isn't all that. Movieverse. Slight spoilers for Iron Man 3.

  • Turn Left

    Drabble. They shouldn't have been able to find her; not by going left. Spoilers for The Dark World.

  • Mr Pond

    Drabble. The Doctor disappeared shortly after the cat snuck onto the TARDIS. Set sometime in either series 6 or the first part of series 7.

  • Geek Love

    Nerina Pallot songfic. In his darkest hour, when there is no one left, he goes back for him. Eleven/Simm!Master. Episode tag: Post-The Angels Take Manhattan.

  • The Heart Pressed Into Flesh

    When John is summoned to a burlesque club by Sherlock, he thinks it must be for a case. But, when he gets there, he founds out that his flatmate has been keeping a secret from him. See warnings inside.

  • Amelia's Prayer

    Part nine of the Angel!Verse. Amelia Pond has a crack in her wall, but she knows someone who can help. Episode tag: The Eleventh Hour (re-write).

  • Parallels and Perpendiculars

    Part ten of the Angel!Verse (but can be read as a stand-alone). The Doctor receives a cry for help via the psychic paper, and drops Amy and Rory off for dinner so he can answer it. Twoshot, with alternative ending. Episode tag: Post-Amy's Choice. See warnings inside.

  • Thanks for the Adventure

    Part eight of the Angel!Verse. The Doctor is slowly dying of radiation poisoning, but he has enough time to visit some old companions before he turns into a new man - whoever that new man may turn out to be. Episode tag: The End of Time Part 2/The Eleventh Hour (re-write). Twoshot. Title is from Up.

  • Scars

    Part seven of the Angel!Verse. The Doctor gets to have one last adventure with Rose before he has to send her back to the parallel universe with a human version of himself who steals Donna away from him as well. Episode tag: The Stolen Earth/Journey's End (re-write). 9th Doctor Duplicate.

  • Defender of the Earth

    Part five of the Angel!Verse. Pete Tyler saves the day once again by taking Rose to the parallel universe with him, and the Doctor orbits a supernova so that he can say goodbye. Twoshot. Episode tag: Doomsday (re-write).

  • An Anchor

    Drabble. Tony is having a panic attack, but Bruce is there for him. Post-Avengers Assemble. AU where Pepperony never happened. Slight spoilers for Iron Man 3.

  • Bad Wolf Howling

    Part four of the Angel!Verse. Rose absorbs the Time Vortex to save the Doctor; the Doctor absorbs the Time Vortex to save Rose - but, in the end, he saves both of them instead. Twoshot. Episode tag: Parting of the Ways (re-write).

  • What's Up, Doc?

    Drabble. River talks the Doctor into taking her to a fancy dress party.