
  • Time Lost

    A fanfic where a past event causes a girl to be stuck in her second-year form while everyone else matures around her. Wrote this...three years ago, feel free to hate. T because I can't remember what all is involved-don't expect quick updates.

  • Marigold Summer

    Drabble series. Kate, now 18, makes a sudden and strange realization: She has a crush on Arthur's best friend, Buster. Despite the age difference, her nagging feelings remain. Will the two end up together? If they do, can they be happy with so many years between them? Find out in "Marigold Summer."

  • The Stalker

    Breaking up is hard to do, and when Arthur dumps Francine at a graduation party in front of everyone, Francine's controlling behavior takes a turn for the worse. Arthur has unknowingly set off a ticking time bomb, one that requires great skill to escape. Rated T for adult situations and violence.

  • As It Seems

    Muffy Crosswire has a serious crush on Buster Baxter, now one of the hottest guys in Elwood City High. Muffy desperately wants to be with him, and as the alpha female of sorts, she knows she deserves him. So when Fern swoops in and tries to steal her man, Muffy acts. Can the two soul mates end up together? T for adult situations. Two-shot.

  • First Impressions

    Due to a recent transfer, Bear is a new student at Elwood City High. He arrives hoping for a good start, but bullies quickly make inappropriate comments about his weight. Bear does have allies, the Tough Customers, but can these outsiders really help him improve this biased first impression? One-shot.

  • The Sale

    The Tibble Twins are twelve and looking to unclutter their living quarters. One wants to throw everything away and start over, but the other things there is money to be made. Which one is correct? One-shot.

  • Dedicated

    Sue Ellen and Bailey meet at the park on a very rainy day. They are doing something important for Sue Ellen's father, but even Bailey doesn't know what. But these meetings are very important and very secretive. Will the Crosswire's ever find out? One-shot.

  • Bitter Winds

    Elwood City is in the middle of a vicious cold snap when the worst happens-Marinna Datillo goes missing. Her classmates are concerned for her welfare, but the city seems oblivious thanks to a new developer's new tourist trap, which has barred local residents from entering. Marina's friends think this author is involved, but would be that cruel? Find out in Bitter Winds, a one-shot

  • Separation Anxiety

    DW receives her wish of getting tropical fish. The Read family expects her to be happy, but there's a huge problem: One of the fish has been separated from its family, at least according to 9 year old DW. With the help of Arthur's friends, she attempts to return the little guy to his home, but is the fish really lost? One-shot.

  • Out Past Midnight

    Francine and Buster are about to graduate from high school and start their lives as college students. But tonight, it's all about being together under the stars. Will their romantic late-night date end well? Just a fluffy one-shot. Enjoy.

  • Royally Mistaken

    When Milhouse goes missing after school, his parents begin a frantic search for him in the neighborhood. Everyone assumes Bart had something to do with it, but in reality, Milhouse has been kidnapped by a group of people looking for a young prince. Will Milhouse leave Springfield for the high life or muddle things up like always? One-shot.

  • Halfway Related

    When Angelica answers the front door one day, her life is shattered. She discovers a dark family secret-an affair, and the product of it is her age and standing right in front of her. Can the two sisters handle the turmoil of Pickles family drama and make a relationship with each other, or will they be enemies to the grave? And how will Angelica's reputation be effected? One-shot.

  • Transferred

    After a particularly rough field trip experience, Arnold has had enough. His mother decides to move them to Elwood City, and when they arrive, Arnold is placed in Mr. Ratburn's third grade class. But is Mr. Ratburn's class really better than Miss Frizzle's? One-shot.

  • Innocent Victim

    Franklin is a new student at Lakewood Elementary. Unlike most new students, Franklin remains completely silent and the teacher's don't push him. So, the students do their own detective work to learn his secrets. What they find out gives them plenty reason to leave the young turtle alone. One-shot. Rated T for adult situations.

  • Proud Heritage

    Arthur and Francine are ready to start the next chapter of their life together and are now engaged. They have everything planned out, and David and Thora are even providing money for the ceremony and their first home for when they become a married couple. With so much going for them, is a fairy tale wedding in their future? One-shot.

  • Naomi's World

    Arthur is 16 years old, but a fall of his bike puts him in a hard position when he breaks his arm. To help take care of his younger siblings, including 4-yr-old twins Vicky and Ricky, the Reads decide to hire Naomi, a blonde spitfire that Arthur immediately doesn't trust. Is Naomi just a kind neighborhood girl or is she really something worse? No smut or foul language.

  • Crosswire History Contest

    We've always wondered where the Crosswire's got their money. Now we might actually find out...

  • Rings Around Elwood

    Sonic is a new student at Lakewood Elementary. But his past comes back to haunt him, and he begins plotting to steal all of the golden rings in Elwood City. Will he resist his urges or attempt to pull off the biggest heist in Elwood City history? One-shot.

  • Francine and the Loss

    When Francine and the Lakewood ice hockey team lose an important game against Mighty Mountain, Francine takes it really hard. Will she be able to continue her sport or will her pride get in the way? One-Shot. For my Infinite Arthur Themes challenge.

  • Treehouse Terror

    Arthur and Buster think a Saturday trip to the treehouse is a fun way to spend a sunny day. But when they arrive, Francine and Muffy inform them that today will be anything but. What happens when the four of them get stuck inside the treehouse during a vicious storm? One-shot.