
  • Viqtarr, My Hero

    This is a letter/poem written by that little creature that you can see on Viqtarr's card, behind Viqtarr. Thanks goes to hidingunderblankts for the picture.

  • Long winter

    A haiku in Raimusa's POV.

  • Words I have not Said

    A limerick, whish is a type of poem. In Maxxor's Pov about how he feels towards Intress.

  • Frafdo in Flight

    A poem about how Frafdo feels when he's in flight.

  • Hifdan's Thoughts

    Just another short poem in an Overworlder's POV. Hifdan doesn't know why his fellow Overworlders think he looks like an Underworlder, so he writes his thoughts.

  • Krekk's Fear

    Don't know why, but I feel like writing poems lately, so here you go. A poem in Krekk's Pov about how he feels being bullied by every other Underworlder.

  • Reborn in Perim

    A teenaged boy is hit by a car and is reborn in Perim as a creature. It takes him awhile to find out he was reborn in Perim a few years before Chaotic players came. Perim was a place he thought was made up, but when he finds out, he will try everything in his power to stop the M'arrillians and hopefully save his favorite creature, Tangath Toborn.

  • The Journal

    Aivenna gets a hold of Nivenna's journal, but losses it. Now Aivenna needs to find it before, Nivenna sees that it is missing.

  • Revenge of Aa'une

    Aa'une is back and more powerful than ever. He captures some of our favorite creatures and now perim is under his evil control. Can they escape and save Perim?

  • Old Scares

    Code Master Hotekk was scared as a kid by Sulley's Father and now he wants to prove that monsters are really. Years later he finally gets his proof by scanning a monster. (Rated for language and safety).

  • Different Worlds

    In the world where gargoyles fly in the night sky of New York is it that hard to believe that other creatures from other worlds could be real?

  • Cinnamon Roll Bet

    Payton and Sara make a bet to see who could teach a creature how to make cinnamon rolls the best and they only have two hours to teach them, but they cannot tell the creatures about the bet.

  • Evil Kaz

    In Au where Kaz is evil and Tom is the only person in Chaotic that knows just how evil Kaz is.

  • Love Triangle

    A love poem written in Taganth Toborn's POV about how he feels towards Intress.

  • Why should I care?

    A poem in Vlar's POV.

  • Land of Peaceful Souls

    Tom mourns over a dead creature.

  • Drabe's Heart Broken Apart

    A poem written in Drabe's POV about how he feels towards Intress.

  • Unspoken Endearment

    A love poem in Zalic's POV.

  • Yarn

    Kaz asks Tom "Where do Overworlders get yarn from if they don't have sheep?"

  • Emotional Creatures

    Get this idea from watching a Kim Possible episode 'Emotion Sickness'. Kim is a Chaotic player and goes to Chaotic with a mood altering device and losses it. Suddenally all the Overworld females are acting odd and Kim thinks it's because of the mood altering device. may change the name later.