

  • Al S Potter Is a Sappy Git

    M&MWP, oneshot. Al actually noticed something a while ago...but he's remembering it now. *2011 Xmas pressie for Liz* Mention if used, thx.

  • Making plans & setting fires

    Drabble, femslash. Morag should've known you can take the girl out of Gryffindor but not the Gryffindor out of the girl. *2011 Xmas pressie for Jess* Her pairing, btw.

  • Naughty, Definitely Naughty

    M&MWP. Oneshot, slash. As it happens, there is such a thing as Draco fluff. Happy Christmas, Louis. *2011 Xmas pressie for Lovisa* Mention if used, thx.

  • Flirtatiously Advantageous

    Oneshot. Teddy & Lorcan strike a deal...much to Dominique & Roxanne's amusement. *2011 Xmas pressie for Mango* K for 1 instance of inappropriateness XD

  • Easy Way Out

    M&MWP, oneshot, slash. You either screw someone or are screwed—there's nothing else you can do. *2011 Xmas pressie for Shade* Mention if used, thx.

  • Looking for Some Time

    M&MWP. Drabble. Sometimes, Lee Jordan can be infuriating & a handsome git at once, Penny thinks. *2011 Xmas pressie for Kimmy* Mention if used, thx.

  • Tear Drops

    Oneshot. Because when he saw her that way, beautiful Rose snapped at the stem, James felt he had to do something. *2011 Xmas pressie for Bethie*

  • Hell Island

    Oneshot, slash. Oliver knows one thing: distractions rarely serve a Quidditch player well. Charlie/Oliver/Percy triangle. *2011 Xmas pressie for Jo*

  • Sweet Surrender

    Drabble. It was never set in stone. It was a chemical reaction—it was set in blood. —Scorrose, hint of Dramione.

  • Way Back Then

    M&MWP. Oneshot. There were some things Marge took for granted. MargeAmos, Marauder-era. Mention if used, thx.

  • That Far Cry

    M&MWP. Drabble. 1st MARGE/AMOS! Between GoF & OotP, Marge Dursley stops for coffee and gets more than she bargained for. Mention if used, thx.

  • Charmingly Yours

    M&MWP. Drabble. 1st Aberforth/Augusta! On a hazy summer day, a barkeep watches over his customers... Mention if used, thx.

  • The Sound of a Distant Stranger

    M&MWP. Oneshot. Sequel to "The Sound of a Familiar Stranger." Eloise is only so patient. Waiting forever for Fenrir wasn't quite what she had in mind. Mention if used, thx.

  • Bitter heart stew

    M&MWP. Oneshot. Victoire, Lysander, and a chat about a girl. —unrequited Vicsander. Mention if used, thx. *SkyeElf kindly wrote 2 companion fics to this, called "Sour Heart Stew" & "Sweet Heart Stew"*

  • Girl Flavor

    "M&MWP. Oneshot, femslash, for Jess. In all those years, Lily was too distracted to notice little things about Roxanne...but she'd see them eventually. *Happy birthday, Jess!* Mention if used, thx.

  • She could try wishing for sheer dumb luck

    Drabble. Post HBP, pre DH. McGonagall receives communication that there will indeed be a new school year despite the loss of Dumbledore. Dark-ish. R&R, thanks & please.

  • One Minute to Drown

    M&MWP. Drabble. Femslash. 1st MILLICENT/LILY LUNA! Transformation is not always a good thing, and Millicent hates that she's nothing special anymore. But all it takes is one minute to drown in someone else... Mention if used, thx. *Light T*

  • 45 Ways to Make a Werewolf Fall for You

    *COMPLETE* :D One-hundred percent Remus/Sirius love inside! Some short chapters, others longer, all with Remmius in mind. For all of us who would like Remmius to have their happy ending, enjoy your fluff here! Ch45: Thank you. *Now in Swedish & Chinese.

  • 45 Weeks to Be Felled by a Dark Lord

    Oneshot, AU. What would you do if your friend was in a predicament—and told you so? Would you crucify him? Or let him crucify himself? Maybe he didn't even need help doing that. *my 400th fanfic :D*

  • Fleas

    Remmius drabble. The Dark Lord's mind isn't the only thing that Harry doesn't understand... XD Light T for some brief hawtness between everyone's two favorite puppies. *For A Sirius Crush on Moony, Jo, & Mor - thank you*