

  • Still Believe

    M&MWP, slash. There's no such thing as a life set in stone. *Freeverse.

  • Lip Service

    M&MWP, slash. Put plainly: We know Fred can't stand to be dismissed. *Freeverse.

  • Finally Get To…

    M&MWP. A man who cowers needs not reprimanding, but caring. *Freeverse.

  • Down the Middle

    M&MWP. Here, love serves as a function of life, not counting variables. *Freeverse.

  • For Your Touch

    M&MWP, slash. Because isn't life all about finding that right touch? *Freeverse.

  • Through the Window Glass

    M&MWP. There's a reason why "opposites attract" is such a well-loved cliché. *Freeverse.

  • Color Your Soul

    M&MWP. To Michael, there's no such thing as a "Plain Jane." *Freeverse.

  • Cut & Dried

    M&MWP, slash. Oliver's always got to fall for someone younger. *Freeverse.

  • Definition of a Friend

    M&MWP, femslash. It's the line that keeps getting blurred. *Freeverse.

  • Confounded Once Before

    M&MWP, slash. A fight or disagreement does not equate to hate. *Freeverse.

  • Fight It Off

    M&MWP. She sees things in a...different light. *Freeverse.

  • Reality is Quite Nice

    M&MWP, oneshot. Now an adult, Scorpius catches up with his mates, the Scamander twins, and their parents. The Scamanders are all his friends...but he can't help the feeling something's amiss...

  • Affection

    M&MWP. It isn't so much about gods or goddesses as it is finding the divine in humans. *Freeverse.

  • Mother Knows Best

    M&MWP, femslash. Because mothers ought to pick the brides. *Freeverse, sequel to "Pleasant Façade," Scor/Rose/Astoria triangle.

  • She is

    M&MWP. Acceptance of the mistake is the first step to fixing it. *Freeverse.

  • The Happy Kind of Mystified

    M&MWP, drabble. Roger comes to a realization that books are more than just their covers... *Set during GoF.

  • Reckless Abandon

    M&MWP. They had the most to throw away. *Freeverse.

  • Guilt Shall Have a Chance to Melt

    M&MWP. Humans come pre-packaged with regret. *Freeverse.

  • How Far We've Come

    M&MWP. People change. It's a natural occurrence...with unnatural consequences—though it depends on who's telling the story. *Freeverse.

  • Find Time, Said I

    M&MWP, slash. When fate hands you a gift, she's not happy until you've accepted it. *Freeverse.