
  • Hate towards Robots

    Spooner reflects on his hate for robots.

  • Arachnia

    Selena Potter never liked being human. What did it get her? Pain from the abusive Dursleys. Weakness from the near misses with Voldemort and the manipulations of Dumbledore. But now she plans to change that.

  • The Doctor, the Wormhole, and the Vortex Manipulator

    Exiled to Earth in the 1930s, the Third Doctor has lost everything and he plans to get his freedom back. Somehow. And he is willing to do whatever it takes to get it all back. How many lines will he cross?

  • Holly

    AU What if Harry Potter was born Holly Potter? What if she discovered how to manipulate those around her while she lived life dangerously? When she finds the magical world ripe for the picking, she discovers the magical world is not only full of opportunities...but it is full of enemies as well.

  • My New Apprentice

    Palpatine has known about Luke Skywalker for some time, and he has already planned to use him as his new apprentice while destroying the remaining Jedi's hopes for good. He isn't fooled by Vader's suggestion. Spoilers for Empire Strikes Back.

  • Seeing Her

    Diego had it all planned; he would attack Montero and kill him, rectifying one of his worst mistakes, and then he saw his daughter.

  • Burning Pit

    Scott inspects the Sidewinder as its pulled out of the pit of peril.

  • The Mysterons have powers we can't hope to understand

    Captain Blue studies the unconscious Captain Scarlet after the first Mysteron battle, realising they know nothing about their new enemy.

  • The Burning Tower

    After the Thompson Tower disaster in City of Fire, there was an investigation.

  • Our first rescue - we made it good

    Jeff reflects on the events in Trapped in the Sky, and he realises something important for the future of International Rescue.

  • Planning Pottersville

    After seeing the Lenders go, fully delighted his plans to con them and get their house to build his property empire is going ahead, Ocious P. Potter reflects on when he planned this.

  • Is this what you really wanted, Anakin?

    Spoilers for Obi-Wan Kenobi. Obi-Wan is in hiding on Tatooine and he muses on what happened to his friend.

  • Who was destroyed - the Master or the apprentice?

    Mace Windu and Yoda pondered on which Sith was killed by Obi-Wan after the Battle of Naboo - the Master or the Apprentice, unaware the Sith Master was right there.

  • You're Vulcan, never forget that

    Mirror Universe T'Pol is never allowed to forget what the Terran Empire has done to her, or to her world.

  • Enterprises

    The Enterprise starships have a rich history.

  • Operation Razorteeth

    Operation Razorteeth; a top-secret genetic experiment to create a weapon for the new century, was unleashed. But what happened? Set in the original 1970s movie.

  • Why are you doing this?

    A desperate Merlin tries to stop the angry, attacking Great Dragon and has a mental conversation with him. It does not go well.

  • You're nothing more than a Serving Boy

    How many times has Merlin heard that? How many times has he wanted to lose it?

  • Is this what you really wanted Morgana?

    Merlin sees the aftereffects of Morgans's thankfully brief reign of terror. Rated M for unseen rape.

  • Killing for Sport

    Owen knows the Indominus is an abomination. He sees his opinion confirmed when he sees the bodies of dead and uneaten dinosaurs.