
  • Dabbling in Death

    Things go terribly wrong when Lockhart gets a mysterious invitation to meet at the Astronomy Tower at midnight. One shot.

  • Pick Your Poison

    Draco deals with his anger in a different way. one shot.

  • Delirium

    Alone at Grimmauld Place, Sirius finds comfort in alcohol and becomes trapped in his memories. One shot.

  • Kiss Goodbye

    The night Regulus goes to the cave, he decides to say his final goodbyes. One shot. Slash.

  • Five Months

    Sequel to A Christmas to Remember. Rated as a precaution. In five months Ginny Potter will give birth to her twins, but can she survive through the normal chaos that follows her family?

  • Campfire Romance

    Neville faces a few challenges while trying to set Luna up on a date. drabble.

  • Rivalry

    Fred lives!AU. A friendly competition between brothers gets out of hand when their children are involved. one shot.

  • Where We Belong

    A small collection of one shots and drabbles about known muggle-borns trying to fit in. Ch. 1: Penelope tries to hide her love of comic books.

  • Family Treble

    Neville has his work cut out for him when his son decides to drop out of Hogwarts. one shot.

  • Half of Me

    Ted's attempt at showing Andromeda and Nymphadora just how awesome muggles can be. one shot.

  • I'm Still Here

    A year after their mother dies, four-year-old Daphne and two-year-old Astoria are confronted with the idea that their father may be falling in love. (I have no idea where this is going. spur of the moment, sleep-deprived, late night writing!)

  • Vague Misery

    Hermione's struggle to come to terms with her love for Remus. two-shot.

  • Ghost to Ghost

    Being dead's not so hard when you consider the alternative, and Fred's had a lot of time on his hands. one shot.

  • Snowless in Sydney

    Dominique gets homesick during her first Christmas away from England. one shot.

  • Historic Mistake

    Salazar sets out to change the future when he learns he's been misrepresented in history books. one shot.

  • It's Complicated

    Trapped inside during a blizzard, Draco receives some news that brings up confusing feelings. one shot.

  • Illusions of Hope

    Teddy has a twin sister and this is her story. drabble collection. canon compliant other than Teddy having a twin.

  • Dangerous Beauty

    Scabior has only ever worn one glove, though no one ever knew why. one shot.

  • Public

    Severus and Hermione have difficulties adjusting to being apart after Hermione finishes her seventh year. one shot.

  • The Big Four-Oh

    Hermione likes birthdays, until she's left all alone for her 40th. one shot.