

  • Double Trouble

    Twins who are close to both Bruce and Rachel seem to catch attention of a couple of villains, but what will that cost their friends, lives and each other? Joker/OC Bruce/Rachel Harvey/OC

  • Hatchling carer

    Alex is Roberts sister and the carer of baby Raptor's until they meet the older pack however how will the baby raptor scents change the bigger pack members POV on the victims especially her when the big one deciedes she is to be his mate... :3 give it chance my first Jurassic park fanfic. Raptor/OC

  • Eternal Companion

    A string of gruesome murders are appearing around Nevada, this not only intruiges our other neighborhood killer but gives him the mindset that they will be ther perfect puppet for the dirty work towards killing. But what happens when the killer is not what he expected at all, but what he longs for the most? OC/Jerry

  • Necromancing Natasha

    She had no idea what she was, until she happened across Mystic Falls where three certain brother's offer to teach her about her nature, all while protecting her from vampires who all seem to want a bite out of her ... including her brother! Kol/Klaus/Elijah/OC

  • Angel

    Angelina is Anna's cousin see how much changes with this simple chacacter added in to th lustful eyes of Dracula :) **LEMONS** second attempt giv it a chance please :) and R&R

  • The Riddling Red Witch

    After Tara is killed Spike is the one to become Willow's closest friend as Xander leaves to be with Anya, and so Spike leaves taking Willow wwith him to a town he knows she can relax and let her hair down without worrying about consequences and while there they each find a soul perfectly suited to them but this being the case they attract their old friends who aren't too happy...

  • Little Light

    A woman who is reincarnated and has a bond with each original has no memory of her past lives each one linked to her family and friends and each one with her love, but how will she react when she finds out that not only is she married to a original but another is in love with her...since they were human!

  • The first demise

    The room's general view of the first major fight and the Master's Death and demise.

  • Katherine's true feelings

    What I think Katherine would be feeling after all she has had to go threw...

  • Jess Clover

    Another alien in the hospital.

  • Batmans dance with the devils

    Villains dance with batman

  • Willow's Depression

    Willow's combined thoughts of Oz leaving, Jesse, Buffy, Miss Calender and Tara's death everything unleashes and this is her feelings.

  • Batman and the Joker

    The never ending fight...

  • Emily's Demise

    Emilys body going threw her pain...

  • Emily's Demise Rewrite

    A rewrite of my old poem.

  • Alice in horrorland

    A quick poem I randomly wrote.

  • My best friend is my patient!

    a quick idea give it a go it took me half an hour and a rough idea and I thought why not :)

  • Hehahehohahe! Joker Gone Wild!

    This is set during episode 8 season 2, JTV the one where the Joker is making his own TV show and broadcasting it all over Gotham before releasing laughing gas. But what if just before he released the gas someone caught his eye and she was laughing at the misfortune of the Batman?...

  • Mine

    Godric gives Eric one year, one year to find him a reason to live, and Eric know just how to make his maker happy for eternity...Godric/OC Quick one-shot please review :)

  • So, Good Week?

    A quick one shot of a new character in the game and seeing what changes. This is a practice writing exercise as i have had writers block so please review and tell me if its ok before i continue my other storys again :) ASLO LEMONS WARNING (second ever time writing a lemon scene ;) )