Autistic Shinra

  • Bet

    In which Leone makes a sexual bet, and it turns out she's very serious about it. (Wow idk how to summarize because there's not really much to it. Also idk how to categorize it.) [Rated M for sexual content.] [Complete]

  • Crimson

    A poem of what I believe to be the inner thoughts of the Night Raid members. [Rated T because of the mentions of blood and killing.] [Complete]

  • Memories of the Past

    Ciel Phantomhive is a very dignified earl. Because of this, he refuses to show any kind of weakness to others. This especially included crying like a baby, which he had never even done in front of Sebastian. Some days, though, he had to excuse himself from his work, lock his door, curl up in bed, and just cry. Unfortunately, Elizabeth had come to visit on one of these days.

  • The Only One to Blame

    Slaine's thoughts after the ending of episode 12. [Rated T just to be safe, since it's a bit dark.] [Complete]

  • 100-Prompt OTP Challenge -Kuroshitsuji version-

    Just a collection of drabbles to fit prompts, centering around the ship Ciel/Elizabeth. [Rated T to be safe.]

  • Have to be Perfect

    In which Death the Kidd begins suffering from bulimia and Maka does everything in her power to help him. [Rated T for Kidd's condition, and for some self-harm.] [Hiatus]

  • Emerald and Gold

    Wherein Lubbock is the son of a wealthy businessman and typically prefers to remain isolated rather than have people pester him so as to gain his money rather than his friendship; and Leone is new to the United States and now works as a barista at a café that Lubbock frequents. [Dropped; may be picked back up]

  • Pocky

    Asseylum wants to know how to "properly" romanticize pocky like she had read it being done because she wants to share a stick of it with Rayet; Inaho makes Slaine help him give a demonstration. [T for a couple of vaguely sexual implications.]

  • My Boyfriend Has OCD

    It's three-thirty in the morning, and Soul finds himself having to put up with Kidd's OCD. [Rated T for a little bit of self-harm and a few swear words.]

  • Romeo and Juliet

    Wherein Lubbock and Leone are paired up to go to a costume party as Romeo and Juliet to investigate, and upon learning no one there is a threat, decide to have a bit of fun instead. (Am I summarizing this correctly.) [Rated T for a couple of kinda-sexual references I guess.]

  • The Nightclub

    Nagisa takes everyone out to a nightclub, and it turns out to be a gay nightclub. (This is entirely crack because I didn't want to take either anime seriously and neither did my friend. Also this is really stupid so maybe don't waste time on it.)

  • All of Me

    Wherein Leone finds Lubbock quietly singing a love song and pressures him into telling her who it's for. [Complete]

  • I'll Be Your Sun

    In which Lubbock is worried that the Night Raid members will either get sick of him and abandon him, or that everyone will die because he isn't strong enough to do anything about it. (There's a bit of Leone/Lubbock if you squint and I refuse to apologize for that.) [Complete]

  • Heads, I Win—Tails, You Lose

    Leone gets Lubbock to absentmindedly agree to a bet he can't win while he's working, but he ends up getting something out of it anyway. [Complete]

  • The Topic of Gender

    Maka is curious about what gender Crona really is and decides to question it. [Rated T because genitals and periods are mentioned. I might just be a bit paranoid, though.] [I also am not entirely sure what genre to mark it with, so I didn't mark it with any.]

  • Music

    Maka listens to a song she hears Crona singing, and has a pretty emotional moment right afterwards.

  • I Can't

    When Soul asks Kidd to go with him to one of Lord Death's parties as a date, the reaper insists he'll go—but he decides at the last minute that he isn't quite ready to come out to anyone.

  • Rejected

    Soul finally tells Maka how he feels about her—and is rejected. However, later that night, he finds out Kidd has secret feelings toward him.

  • Hopeless

    Just a short little drabble about Panty's feelings towards Brief. [Rated M for Panty's mouth.]

  • You'll Never Love Me Back

    Kazuto has a wife he has his heart and soul wholly dedicated to. Suguha knows this—and she hates it. She knows full well her feelings will never be returned, and she is unable to move on. Of everyone she could have fallen for, why did it have to be Kazuto? [Rated T for suicide.]