
  • Family Outing

    Francis and Mary take their six month old daughter on a trip to the beach. Fluff at its fluffiest

  • Dry My Tears

    On the night of Bash's birth, Henry and Catherine get into a fight. Angst with a smidge of fluff at the end.

  • Bar Moves

    Modern Kennash AU. Bash is a bartender at a bar that Kenna and the girls frequent

  • Office Kisses

    Modern Kennash AU. Bash and Kenna are co-workers in the same office, and they have flirted for years. One day, Bash decides to make a real move...

  • Secrets

    Bash hears something about himself that Kenna supposedly said. Fluff ensues.

  • A Thousand Years

    A series of one shots of kennash throughout history. Feel free to send me prompts on tumblr @ reignobsessedbitch!

  • Let Me Help

    Modern AU. Nostradamus and Olivia meet at a bar and have a one night stand, and Olivia ends up getting pregnant

  • Just Say Yes

    Kennash AU. Kenna and Bash were raised in a polygamist community that arranges marriages. Kenna is set to marry someone that isn't the man she loves, Bash.

  • Don't Judge Me

    Kenna figures out she is pregnant, but doesn't know who the father is. TW: implied rape

  • We Can Get Over The Hurdle

    Modern Reign AU. Bash de Poitier, Francis Valois's half brother born out of an affair, comes to his high school after years away in military school. His girlfriend's friend, Kenna Harrison, is very interested in him, but Mary Stuart (said girlfriend) doesn't think he is good for her.

  • Another Chance

    Olivia gives birth to her first child with Nostradamus, and he has feelings about the children he has lost

  • Happy Endings

    Bash surprises Kenna with a vow renewal. Tooth-rotting fluff:)

  • Confessions

    Bash confesses his Pagan heritage to Kenna

  • Our Perfect Little Family

    Kenna is pregnant and waiting for Pascal and Bash to return home. When they arrive, Kenna and Bash have a question for Pascal.

  • Little Surprises

    Kenna is giving birth to her first child with Bash, and Mary has a surprise for Francis.

  • It's You

    Bash tells Kenna he loves her for the first time

  • Never Too Late

    Bash surprises Kenna with a courting date that they never got to have

  • A Girl Can Dream

    Kenna's thoughts on Bash, pre 1x18 kiss Sorry it's so short!

  • Watching Him Go

    Greer can't stand to watch Lieth go... Her thoughts as Lieth is led off to the camp

  • You Come Back to Me

    Based off of a tumblr prompt. Human!AU Christian returns after two years away in the war. Fluffy fluff fluff!