

  • Gotta Catch 'Em All

    Albus never thought waiting at a Pokéstop would be so troublesome.

  • Pain and Circumstance

    When Sirius arrived, he had just been another injured stranger. It had been Sirius' intention to leave.

  • The Latin Challenge Drabble Collection

    100 drabbles based off 100 Latin words. Probably with a different pairing or character for each drabble.

  • and the clock ticks on (erratically)

    Harry has a chronological illness. His anchor has always been Tom. He never realized he was Tom's anchor too. Character death. Loosely inspired by The Time Traveller's Wife

  • from shadows, light

    [AU] He didn't want to be normal. He didn't want to do nothing when he knew he could help. He didn't want to be like all those other people who would stand and watch but never help.

  • The Hut of Courage

    Before Hogwarts, Ron had only known Hagrid from Fred and George's tales of running away from him. The reality wasn't quite the same.

  • of shackles and revenge

    All the students were no good, grimy-fingered brats. But Peeves was worse than any student Hogwarts had thrown at him.

  • in memory, lost

    Kendra wanted to relieve Ariana of the trauma of her attack. There was only one way she had known of that was available to an untrained witch, but memories were tricky things.

  • to cast a shadow

    [AT] Bellatrix manages to convince Andromeda away from Ted Tonks, and away from the Mudbloods.

  • Hufflepuff (Your Words Away)

    Aquamarine was the colour of the lonely sky. It was the solitude of not even being accepted by her fellow Hufflepuffs. Aquamarine really wasn't her colour.

  • the glitch in my stars

    Upon hearing of the prophecy, Lily had done a ritual, ensuring her son would survive anything the Dark Lord attempted. It really was unfortunate that she hadn't specified the latter.

  • Taupe

    Taupe was a colour that was easily overlooked, almost invisible, and willing to change to remain so. It was also the colour Horace related to the most, even if he wished for the attention. The colour attracted no attention, and barely any acknowledgement itself.

  • Cursed

    [AU] Where Harry is a hunter, and Tom is just hell-bent on revenge, and somehow their paths become tangled. Possible triggers.

  • older (and lonelier)

    This was never supposed to happen. He was supposed to be chasing gold until his last breath. He was supposed to disappear like those heroes who left one morning and never returned. He was supposed to die trapped after chasing some new gold pile, like his parents.

  • in your memory (until I move on)

    "Have you ever considered finding a new hobby?" Roger couldn't tell if it was even a hobby, or just something he did to keep the memory of his parents.

  • the family we wanted (but couldn't keep)

    In the end, all Tom wanted was someone to protect, someone who cared about him. All Harry ever wanted was a family. But life is never that easy.

  • the lost always return

    "I hate you!" Those were the last words Harry said to him before he disappeared. And Tom intends to find Harry again, if only to explain. Tom/Harry. Slash, I think? Riddle Era.

  • and the void stares (back)

    "I'll-I'll become the..." It wasn't a sentence he quite wanted to finish. It wasn't an idea he wanted to face.

  • Meet Cute February

    Character swaps of NeonDomino's Meet Cute Marathon collection. Wolfstar

  • I'll Be Your Hero

    Adventure is not outside man, it is within. Just like revolution. It only takes one house elf to rouse a nation, and bring another to its knees. Dobby could quote anger, but really, they had it coming.