Merlin's Beard23

  • Harry Potter and The Dark Lord's Servant

    A sequel worthy of canon, Harry Potter and the DLS is a world a year after Voldemort, Hermione and Ginny are back from Hogwarts, Ron and Harry have careers, but they're in for a surprise. The world is still at a point where an uprising of former Death Eaters may destroy the life the trio had been working for seven years on. Peace is still sparse, and the new world needs to fight.

  • Harry Potter and the Dark Lord's Servant

    In this epic sequel, it is one year after the last book. Death Eaters are plotting revenge and deaths of countless Mudbloods and in the midst, Harry and Hermione have to face their troubled past when a basilisk is released into Hogwarts. Packed with action, it shows the power of friendship, love, and the power of the past.