
  • The Tipping Point

    Astoria Greengrass can't stand classes with the Carrow twins. She usually keeps to herself whenever she can, but not when the well-being of an eleven-year-old is on the line. WARNING: Mentions of torture

  • Grand Gestures

    Harry is about to propose to Ginny and Ron doesn't feel like he is the right person to help. George steps in instead.

  • Rupture

    Draco feels that it's time he and Astoria take the next step in his relationship, much to the dismay of his father. Lucius has never been one to keep his opinions to himself, but Draco is not the little boy he used to be.

  • The Raven's Nest

    Cho Chang hasn't been herself after her boyfriend passed away, so her best friend Marietta and her fellow Ravens step in to help.

  • One Step Closer

    Three years after the war and nothing had changed for werewolves yet. Well, not for long, if the Weasleys and the Minister of Magic have something to say about it.

  • It's Time

    Fred and George are tired of not being taken seriously by authority figures and start to make plans about their future. But they're not the only ones in the room. Set in OOTP

  • Mama Dragon

    It's Luna's twins' birthday! Luna, Rolf and the twins go to Romania to visit Uncle Charlie and many dragons.

  • Summoning a Patronus

    After having the worst fall out in history with her sister and Severus, Lily Evans finds herself incapable of casting a Patronus. Instead of giving up, she resorts to some less common methods.

  • The Calm Before the Storm

    Ginny, Luna and Neville are stuck at Hogwarts while the Golden Trio is out there hunting for Horcruxes. They're doing what they can from the inside, but they need a little break. And the Hufflepuffs are going to help them.

  • Hiding Away

    On a scalding afternoon in Egypt, Draco is the only one not in the swimming pool and Harry is getting worried about his boyfriend, specially after he learns the reason why.

  • A Merry Potter Christmas

    The Evans' are off at the Dursley's for the holidays, so James invites Lily to spend the Christmas break with his family at his house. It will be a 5-chapter short-fic, with lots of domestic Jily and as canon as I could make it. My very first Marauders fanfiction, I hope you like it.