
  • Home

    Missing in action and assumed killed, Chris returns six months later. Pike x Reader

  • Dating Advice

    As McCoy begins dating again, Jim and Spock are there to offer helpful advice. McCoy x Reader. 2/14/22: I accidently deleted this story. Here is the newest chapter. Hope to have the older chapters reposted later this week.

  • Rebellion

    In the Terran Universe, Enterprise is returning home in triumph after five years of conquests expanding Georgiou's possessions. Gabriel Lorca is plotting to seize power. The rebels have instigated a new wave of unrest and uprisings. Mirror Pike, Una, Saru, Spock, Sarek, Amanda, Leland, Voq, Michael, OCs, M'Benga, Oretagas, Uhura, La'an, Chapel. Pike/Una, Chapel/Spock, Pike/Aalin

  • The Road Back

    Once the physical injuries from Talos healed, Chris moved on. He met someone special and each time the moment was right he pulled back. Unwilling to trust himself. Unsure if the attraction and his feelings were real. Then he realized or rather admitted the Talos incident was more than kidnapping, imprisonment, and mind-control. And that perhaps there was no way back.

  • Where's an All-Night Pharmacy When You Need It

    Chris' adventures in fatherhood. Established relationship. Pike/Reader. Other tags: unplanned pregnancy, twins, dyslexia, autism, child's awkward questions, explaining the birds and bees to your five year old, comforting a child

  • SNW Season One Additional Scenes

    Strange New Words additional scenes in the Chris/Aalin universe. There will be a companion series for those preferring additional scenes without an established original character. This series contains spoilers for Strange New Worlds Season 1. Each chapter title will be prefaced with the episode number.

  • I Wanna Hold Your Hand

    Chapel hooked up with a stranger, a Keih. Two days later he joins Enterprise's crew. For Chapel, Laskaris was a good time she has no wish to repeat, for him she's much, much more. She is also busy hiding her attraction to Spock. Oh and according to Keih she and Laskaris are now engaged. Laskaris is telekinetic. Chapel/OC, Chapel/Spock, Chapel & Spock.

  • Volte-Face

    Unable to directly intervene Pike must wait after the newest crewman under his command leaps into danger. Pike mentors Spock through the possibility of losing someone under his command, a first for the young Vulcan. Enterprise & Shenzhou work behind the scenes to aid a group of orphans trying to reach safety in the midst of war. Saru, Georgiou, Burhman. Pre-Relationsip Pike/Aalin.

  • Trust Love One More Time

    How does a passionate man cope with divorce? By shielding his heart behind multiple crusty walls of height and strength capable of withstanding any breach. With time McCoy accepted his new life in Starfleet as good, as enough. Then an unexpected gift dropped into his world beckoning desire for romance and, perhaps, more. But is Enterprise's CMO willing to give love a second chance?

  • From Both Sides

    A reimagined or 'filled-in' take of Una's imprisonment on Kiley 279 from her and Pike's point of view. Both think back to the beginnings of their relationship. Pike/Una This piece contains spoilers for Strange New Worlds episodes 1 and 3.

  • Always

    An alternate ending to Ghosts of Illyria. And perhaps the beginnings of Pike and Una finding their way back to each other told through a series of extra scenes and codas for Strange New Worlds Season 1. Pike/Una

  • Pon Farr: The Morning After

    Sequel to Pon Farr. The first morning of Sarek's marriage to a human woman. Sarek/Reader.

  • I Am Not Sick

    Captain Pike has a cold and needs TLC. His response to any minor illness flows through four stages – denial, resistance, acceptance, and cranky. Or is more going on? Established relationship. Pike/Reader. Cameos from various Enterprise and Discovery characters.

  • I Want To Watch You Darling

    After a difficult day, McCoy craves a night with his lover. And he wants to feel deeper intimacy through a little experimentation. McCoy/Reader

  • In the Shadow of Boreth

    The presented future was accepted, the time crystal secured. Control was defeated, first when Discovery towed the sphere and its data to the future, finally when Enterprise destroyed the remnants Control left behind. The battles are won, the losses mourned. Pike must now face the costs of his choice on Boreth. Pike/Aalin

  • Uncle

    When his teenage nephews get into trouble at school, Chris agrees to take charge of them during their suspension. The youngest swiftly develops a crush on Una. Pike/Aalin

  • How Una Became Number One

    Gravely injured and in a coma, Number One relives meeting Christopher Pike and their journey to becoming one of the most respected and formidable command teams in the fleet.

  • It's Happening To Both of Us

    A glimpse into the private moments of living with a future believed to be unavoidable. No Strange New World spoilers. This has been stuck in my head for a while. You may find parts of this sad. I think the ending is positive. Established relationship. Chris/Aalin

  • Extra Scenes, Codas, and Other Stuff (SNW Season 1)

    Deleted scenes, character development, and other odds and ends for Strange New Worlds Season 1 Contains Spoilers. Each chapter title will be prefaced with the episode number.

  • It Tickles

    For a tumblr prompt. The side benefits of a full beard ...