
  • Crimson Soaked Petals

    Hermione's still on alert. Hears cracking twigs that make her spin quickly in the direction of the forest. Spell on the tip of her tongue, her heart races in her chest. Her brain moving so quickly she almost casts before she can see what made the noise. Lavender. Covered in blood. The red dripping off her clothes and coating her skin in a thick film. A Jennifer's Body AU

  • The Repeat

    What she was about to do was dark, really, truly dark in a way she never usually would have considered, but they had no other choices. Everything goes wrong and faced with no other options Hermione makes an almost impossible decision - to start again.

  • The Repeat : Outtakes

    A series of oneshots set in my fic The Repeat that didn't fit into the main story but that I wanted to write anyway.