
  • How can I ever tell?

    It's another poem! please R/R!!

  • Wishing you back

    It's another poem written by Harry! R/R please!!!

  • Everything's about you

    This is a poem writtin by Draco about Harry. R/R!!!!

  • Scars

    *It's re-written! I wasn't too happy with everything, but not to many changes have been made though!*

  • Turning

    A poem about Draco written by Harry. It's my first poem so please don't flame! Thank you!

  • No Way

    H/D it is SLASH!!! I hate summaries so I leave you with this. Oh yeah, I'm from Holland so there may be a few grammer mistakes!!!

  • Changes

    I hate summaries so I leave you with this. Oh yeah, I'm from Holland so there may be a few grammer mistakes!!!

  • Unexpected love between two

    It is about, well find out yourself but I warn you, there is a tiny bit of sex in it