Capering Wolf

  • A Bloody Hand: Things Just Seem to Happen Together

    Harry is in his fifth year at Hogwarts: Umbridge, the new DADA professor has a special quill students write lines with; Dumbledore doesn't know everything; Professor McGonagall punches Dumbledore; Snape loses his temper on behalf of Harry.

  • Dementia: Recovering Love

    Dementia tears apart loved ones. Fortunately, that is only in the normal world; in heaven, love is unhindered by such things as dementia and misunderstandings. Harry and Severus discover the wonder of this with much delight and joy after years of being emotionally then physically separated.

  • Dementia: Losing Love

    A person with dementia might love not loved ones anymore, but his loved ones can still love him. What happens when Severus dies and Harry is discovered to also have dementia? Does their love still exist in this world, or does it only exist in heaven (or does it not exist in even heaven)?

  • Dementia: Forgetting Love

    Harry thought there could be nothing worse than being the boy Severus hated again. He was wrong—there was something worse than being hated by the man he loved again.

  • Lily Evans: Have Mercy!

    The night the Potter family fell apart, from Lily Potter's point of view—from a wife, a best friend, and a mother's eyes.

  • If You Are Ready, If You Are Prepared

    Severus's thoughts upon (and before) returning from rejoining the Dark Lord in 1994.

  • Harry Potter: The Deaths of Them

    [J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series] Each chapter will be written from a character's point of view, starting from some time before each of their deaths to the actual deaths. The details can range from vague to clear, depending on the situation and person. There might be variations of each character's story, so a character might have two or more chapters dedicated to them.