Piertotum Locomoter

  • The Judge

    The War changes people. Does Hermione understand that? Second Chances? (multi-chap, in-progress)

  • The Princess

    AU. Potential Dramione, read A/N in beginning. A curse inflicted upon Hermione by Morgan Le Fay. She can't love, so what will she do? And no, you dirty minded people.

  • Finding the Truth

    Miss Rose Granger, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Rose Weasley is practically an orphan, having a dead mom and a dad who doesn't care. She lives with her grandparents and cousins. In her fifth year, everything changes. I may change the rating later. Please read A/N, I'm in need of a favour. Enjoy! :D

  • The Great Magic and Muggle Crisis

    "Albus, this is no matter to be taken lightly! This is serious. Dead or not, if you don't pay attention, I will find a way to murder you again!" Dumbledore chuckled. "No need to get murderously irritated, Minerva. Alright, let's view this problem with calm minds." "Albus, calm or not, the wizarding world is going to cease to exist without help!" Has OC in it. New type of story. :D

  • The Four Founders

    BFFs for years, they have a very strong friendship. But is it strong enough? When Slytherin suggests Houses...

  • The Four Founders

    The Founders have been best friends for years. But when Slytherin suggests Houses, the friendship is ripped apart due to prejudices