

  • Tender is the Light

    Since his earliest recollection, he's had to rise before the sun. But what keeps him in bed are the stubborn arms of his husband. Because every morning when he wakes; without fail, he embraces him. And by now, it's a need and not an urge in those moments whenever Draco pulls him closer and Harry settles right beside him.

  • A Nest of One's Own

    Finding a nest of one's own is not easy, Nagini knows, but she is proud of what her Speaker has selected as his home. Even though at times, she'll tease and will drive him up a wall.

  • Neither Here nor There — But Where, Darling

    As the nights are growing colder and as he's restless as a result, there is comfort to be found near the fireplace and in Harry's arms.

  • We're stuck in here together

    Imagine this: You're stuck in a restroom, you're hungry and there's no food, and, you're stuck with your ex-best friend. What happens in a restroom stays in a restroom.

  • Easy Steps To Write An Awesome Oneshot

    Summary: Gilbert Beilschdmit, aka Prussia, is on another request for the Hetalian fan site, a tutorial. Promising it'd be the awesome-ess, he made seven easy steps on how to write an awesome story for his fans worldwide. But wait, is there love in this funny tutorial, or is Gilbert going crazy?

  • Canadian Who

    In a world where the unlikely get struck down first, Canada, that forgotten nation, makes a stand. Allying himself with the banished nation, Prussia, they leave a sign for all the countries to see. "The roles have changed. This is a game where Waldo finds you." A villain needs a hero. A hero needs a villain.

  • Smile, please?

    Pairing: Spamano/Summary: Antonio promised with all his being to keep Lovi safe and happy, but as always, fate had a way to tamper with such promises./After discovering and stopping Lovi from trying to do anything crazy or disappear, forever, Antonio finally had enough. He was going to make his tomate shine and smile no matter what, even if involved force.

  • Medicine

    "Come back here!" yelled the feisty blonde woman, garish blue dress swaying as she ran after the small albino boy. Cornering him in front of the noodle house, she snatched the medicine that was in his hands before giving him a good slap across the face.

  • Mademoiselle

    Serizumo/"A vodka martini, shaken not stirred, and with a bowl of red bean paste on the side, please," she said. Kusanagi felt a tough lump go down his throat. Loosening his collar, he replied, "O-Oui, Mademoiselle."

  • Inugami: Backstory

    The truth behind the smooth, gun-wielding, lover boy—aka Inugami.

  • Sunflower Boy

    Summary: Goodbyes aren't forever. It means I'll miss you 'til we meet again Young Russia (aka Ivan) is disappointed when General Winter steals away his love, sunflowers. Getting drunk, he recues this mysterious brown bird that unlocks the key to his wish. Starring Russia and an OC! Sunflower Boy

  • The Message

    GerIta/slight Spamano/Summary: Our favorite "mafia boss", Lovino Vargas, decides to give dear Ludwig a message. Stalking that manly potato during their date was...awkward to say the least, but, has Lovino been wrong about the potato loser?

  • Do you remember?

    2p Canada and 2p France/Fem! 2p France/Mother's Day/2p Face Family/Summary: Mom's have done so much for us. Taking us to school, cooking with us, giving us clothes and whatnot. On this special day, Mother's Day, we like to give things back to her to show we care. On this special day, Mother's Day, we want to recount the memories we shared.

  • Train's Talk

    Why would someone travel to Ecuador? Maybe it's because he's the only one left who hasn't got a medal. Maybe he feels it's the right thing to do. Maybe he wants to be a dishwasher. A story of Gilbert (aka Prussia) as he falls down and gets back up.

  • Best Friend, I loved

    "Well, I know it sounds crazy, but who said falling in love with your friend is a lie?" he asked her, scratching his head. Blushing, he confessed, "When I saw you with eleven roses earlier, I saw twelve of the most beautiful things in this world. Would you be my…Mrs. Kirkland?" Fem! America, USUK, weddings and hardships galore!

  • Happy

    Sighing, he opened the garden gate. Maybe I can make pasta sauce from the tomatoes. Finding a tomato plant, he plucked a fat one off before proceeding to the house. That's when he began to notice things. Why was a table out here? Sniff...Did someone cook out here? And why did he feel liked someone was watching him?

  • Gilbert's Road

    It's not the hospital bed or the treatment, but the people we meet that make us stronger.

  • Key to Heart

    Spamano/Summary: Both were never very fond of saying goodbye to each other. Maybe that's why Toni always kept his heart closed, and maybe why Lovino always kept his house door open for his love's return. Through the thick of it all—through the crying and suffering, the two never really were separated after all. "Ti amo, Antonio…" "Te amo, Lovi"

  • Red String

    Sometimes, thing that are out of mind come back in the end. Though memory loss or amnesia might change things, the ones we know and love never truly leave us. HRE X Italy