

  • Broken Toy

    Waiting alone for JC in the basement of the Paris Cathedral, Gunther reflects on the past.

  • The Long Walk

    Written for a flash fiction challenge: stress. A snapshot into the point-of-view of the courier, Lieutenant Mosley.

  • Deadlocked

    Request fic. Sniper answered plainly, "I'm a hunter and an assassin because there isn't any changing it." Takes place after Meet the Pyro.

  • Catalyst

    Written for a flash fiction challenge: freedom. A young Sasha discovers the Psi-Blast power.

  • Just One More

    Written for a flash fiction challenge: avoid using any forms of the verb "to be". The birth of the Grand Elder's youngest son forces him to face the fact that his role as father has become obsolete, and his remaining years of life are numbered.

  • Breaking Bread

    Written for a flash fiction challenge: Random Words. "I can't eat when I think of the fire and the screams." Courtney brings Ira dinner.

  • Hours Until Sunrise

    Written for a flash fiction challenge: word play. "I stabilize her. Would it be ethical of me to cut off her supply right now?" Elsa struggles to overcome her addiction, and Cole confronts Dr. Fontaine about his role in it.

  • Requiem

    Written for a flash fiction challenge: Excellent Adjectives. Follow-up to "The Golden Butterfly." Michelle Moller prepares for her first orchestra concert following her mother's murder.

  • Shards of Yesterday

    For my good friend, Obiwanlivesforever. "One day the war will end. One day the world will right itself again. One day," he squeezed her hand, "It's what we comfort ourselves with." A few glimpses into the ill-fated affair between Noisette Tornade and Hans von Schwesterkrank.

  • Hang It Up

    Written for a flash fiction challenge: Alphabet Challenge. Rusty and Floyd bid their farewells.

  • Thankless

    Written for a flash fiction challenge: opposites attract. Spoilers for the Homicide desk. A distraught Cole seeks comfort in Elsa after putting down the Black Dahlia killer for good.

  • Cleito in Tinsel

    Written for a flash fiction challenge: secondary character narrator. Post-game follow-up to "The Fallen Idol." Jessica Hamilton finds it difficult to let go of her dreams.

  • Zombie Man

    Written for a flash fiction challenge: Commonly Confused Words (Words used: Past/Passed, Affect/Effect, Breath/Breathe). Ralph reunites with Cole during the Nicholson Electroplating case, and sees the full extent as to how much his former partner has changed.

  • Cocktail for Betty

    Written for a flash fiction challenge: beginnings. Spoiler for the Homicide desk. Garrett Mason thinks about Elizabeth Short while at work.

  • Turn Back

    Written for a flash fiction challenge: ending. Stefan contemplates a glass of good scotch, as well as the loss of his partner.

  • Queen Mab

    Cole did have a thing for blondes, after all.

  • The Thing About Mermaids

    For my good friend, Obiwanlivesforever. Harlan gets a call from Paula Santos regarding his less than ethical conduct.

  • Cold Comfort

    Set during the alternate future of "How Long Is Forever?" She has her lucid moments.

  • Welcome to the Night

    "I'm afraid I won't be singing for you tonight." Siegfried survives the battle in the swamp against the Scoia'tael, but returns a troubled man.

  • Refuge

    Written for a flash fiction challenge: use homophones (homophones used: sighed/side, pride/pried). A much younger Voldo willingly surrenders his sense of vision to his master.