Henry Uchiha

  • Hero or Monster?

    Jamie Crudele had a decent enough life, of course no life was perfect. But when his parents are murdered and he finds out he's actually adopted.But when he finds out the truth, will he become the hero his parents wanted him to be, or pain and anger show him a darker path. Warning: violence and boyxboy

  • Riddle me this

    The war was over but there was still one left. When the apple has fallen far from the tree, what will be made of the mysterious boy Jamie. A boy who knows the lies about his parentage others have told him... but he stills sees the way that the other's stare at him. They look at him as though he was a loaded weapon... a weapon that could go off at any time.

  • Once bitten and twice cursed

    Set in AU- Butters hasn't had an easy life. Being disowned by his parents, his village having a new and malicious ruler- Wizard King Eric. But will the gifts of a strange merchant boy reveal secrets about the king he would never have even thought? Let alone that Butter's future may have more than he ever really dreamed? Warning: Boyxboy

  • A crazy adventure: Run away and never look back

    Nico was stuck living in the motions. Taking day after day as it came. Until one day, he meets the golden haired boy Will with a gun pointed as his enemy Octavian claiming the boy to be something he calls a Khaled. What happens when Nico is whisked into the world of time and space. Read to find out. Warning: boyxboy.

  • Nightmares I've tried to forget

    When Olivia comes across an eleven year old boy who tried to kill himself after being found with extensive signs of abuse and being beaten. Will she be able to help him in a way nobody else could? When he claims that he has no family left and is about to be sent to a rough foster home... Will she make a decision which will shock her and others around her?

  • James! You have to let it go!

    "Now now James." A woman stood next to him smiled gently as she looked down at her sixteen year old son. "Don't be so rude." She crouched down to his height and tried to push back the golden locks but failed as her son almost flinched back. "It's okay." She whispered softly. "Conceal it, don't feel it. Don't let them see." He whispered and Elsa felt her eyes widened in shock.

  • Teen Arkhams?

    A generation of villains have failed. Each one took on the bat and failed... but what happens with the new age? What happens when the bat finally meets his match. Not even his could be the match for Arkhams new and worst... or could he? Even if he couldn't fight them. What would happen if they found out that the dark bat... was really just a rich brat?

  • The eyes are the window to the soul

    Solitude. Darkness. Isolation. Desolation. Sorrow. What do these all have in common? Obito and Sasuke Uchiha. What happens when Obito meets his best friends secret and Sasuke finds Naruto once more during the war. Romance, adventure and twists. Will the Uchiha boys find happiness or will their personal goals be there undoing?

  • Breaking a bad reputation

    It was all that the news paper's would be talking about. Their headline: House of De Vil had been taken over! Protesters filled the street in outrage as now it was left to one person to bring back the name of the business... the name of his family. He had to free himself of the dark reputation his mother had left him... but would he really succeed in doing just that?

  • Extinguishing the hope

    The first generation failed, but when the next generation of Sandersons returns. What fate will befall the town? What will happen when three enraged boys finally get the power to bring back their mother. Will they follow in the paths of their mothers? Or will maybe the new world catch up with them and change them for the better?

  • A bitter sweet Kiss

    Jack had everything he could ever wish for; a loving mother, a home to live in, he was achieving great grades in school and just about to finish his final year before he went to college... how does all that change when suddenly one day a man turns up and saves him. This man... His uncle: Klaus Mikaelson.

  • A cold reception

    The war was won but was not over. When the past comes back to bite and Narnia has seemed to deteriorate back to first discovered state, can a new generation of sons of Adams and a daughter of Eve face off against the new and expanding threat or will this be it for Narnia. Warning: boyxboy

  • Returning back where we belong

    Kenny always thought he was a bit insane, he had spent most of his life alone and had kind of gotten used to that fact. When he was younger he had been put into intense therapy after apparently seeing vivid ' delusions of monsters' But when he meets a boy at the airport one day, his life suddenly changes maybe he isn't so crazy. Warning: contains boyxboy. Don't like, don't read.

  • A king and his servant boy: Never judge a book by it's cover

    Joffery slowly walked up to the cage and grinned as his dark eyes examined it's contents. Inside a figure crouched huddled with arms around it's head and torso not giving any distinctive features away. "A common slave. Pay the man." Joffery turned and as he did the figure slowly uncurled. The boy with silver glared defiantly after him. His eyes cold but burning with fire.

  • Going out with a bang!

    When Lupo, a boy with from district three, lost his sister in the games, Finnick soon became the boy's mentor and only remaining family. But as the boy grew he became more defiant to the capitol. He dared to imagine something better. Trying to cause as much possible damage as he could... but now. He faces the same situation as his sister... Although, his lover will be joining.

  • A rose by any other name is just as sweet

    The same story but going deeper into Belle's thoughts and feelings. How Belle feels inside the castle. This story will mainly follow the perspective of Belle though it will swap from time to time. Warning: This story will be BoyxBoy as I'm changing Belle to be a boy. If you don't like BoyxBoy then don't read. For those of you who do read this; Be our guest on this tale. Enjoy!

  • A tale of two loves: The Actor and the Nerd

    The first story in the 'A tale of two loves' series. When the Tipton cruise has been rebuilt and it's new destination is set. What happens one day when an English transfer student: Kurt Leone is practising for his English drama project he see's a boy on the balcony and their gazes lock. Something passes between them... but what happens when disaster strikes.

  • Revenge is a dish best served cold

    All the time spent with their beasts and the boys didn't even realize the truth of what was happening. They didn't realize their beasts were just as solid as they were. The only difference between them? The beasts had a gained more enemies than the boys ever could. They learn this when a new boy shows his face accompanied by an old enemy.