Lady Shadow92

  • Wreck-It Ralph High

    Felix and his sister Melanie along with their brother Ralph are planning on enjoying their senior year. Yet their year gets even better when they meet the new kid Tamora Calhoun. Please review.

  • Felix's World

    Tamora doesn't feel important. Can Felix show her just how important she is to him? Find out and please review.

  • Admirer

    Roger has an admirer that wants Roger all for themselves. Can Jessica and Eddie find out who this admirer is before something bad happens to Roger. Find out and please review.

  • Magical Night

    Felix and Tamora get to share a magical night together. pure fluff read and review.

  • New Year's Proposal

    Roger proposes to Jessica on New Years. Find out what happens. Pure fluff and a shout out to Bighead98 for giving me the idea. Hope he or she likes the story and please review

  • New Life

    Tamora and Felix are planning a new life together. Yet an old flame of Felix's returns. Will this story have a happy ending or is Felix and Tamora's new life together end forever? Find out and please review sequel to starting over

  • Danger's Of Dreams

    Tamora leaves Felix for Brad. Felix leaves her for Mary but is it real or just a bad dream. find out and please review.

  • Nevaeh and Raven

    An old friend of Shifu's returns begging for his help. What does this old friend want and will an enemy from their past destroy them once and for all? Find out and please review.

  • Snakes and Pandas

    Snakes and Pandas are different but for Po and Viper they do agree on one thing. Being friends this is set after Serpent's Tooth or Pass please review.

  • Talking to Action Figures

    Tigress at Mugan's Training school has a late night chat with the action figures Po gave her. Please review

  • Jessica's Nightmare

    Jessica has a nightmare and Roger makes her feel better. Please review.

  • Tigress's Two Realities

    After Shen Tigress has been going through a weird thing. Every time she goes to sleep she wakes up in two different realities. One where Po dies and one where he is alive. As each day passes Tigress can't decide what is reality or dream. Which reality is real and which is fake? Find out and please review.

  • Zan Visits

    Zan comes to visit Tigress. please review

  • Facing Fears

    Long ago a creature caused havoc on the arcade. Yet once it's game was unplugged the creature went away. Unfortunately the creature is back and it is up to Faye and her friends to stop it. Yet how can they stop a creature that knows their greatest fears? Will they succeed or will their fears be their own demise? Read and find out. Sequel to Breaking the Code.

  • There is a Reason For Everything

    Tamora finds out why Felix never drinks. Please review

  • Bride of Po: My Version

    This is my version of the episode Bride of Po. Enjoy and please review.

  • To Catch a Thief

    The old saying goes it takes a thief to catch a thief. Lets see if the old saying is true.

  • Battling for a Man's Heart

    Tamora denies her feelings for Felix and makes him believe she likes him as a friend. She soon regrets her words for someone from Felix's past returns. Now Tamora feels she has to battle for Felix's heart. Will this be one battle she loses? Find out and please review.

  • Breaking the Code

    Not breaking the code was the biggest rule in the game world. One day Vanellope finds a strange creature named Faye that only existed because of that rule. Soon Faye is befriended by the others and they learn her story. Yet Faye has to return to the very game that rejected her to save it from an old enemy from the four's past. Will Faye succeed? Find out and please review.

  • Month Long Nightmare

    Nightmares can be terrible but what happens when the nightmare is reality?