
  • You Little Thief

    I don't want to give anything away, but unlike usual the three words are... not put together at all within the story... give it a chance, I know it's an odd pairing. Actually a lot of the ones I write are odd pairings, now that I think about it. Hope you all enjoy.

  • AristoCATS

    Yay for lame titles/combinations! Ahem, anyway, on with the summary: Skimbleshanks and Jennyanydots have another sibling, one that no one else knows about and when he comes into their city things change, but whether for the better or worse, they don't know yet, but they can only hope it's for the former. HIATUS DUE TO LACK OF INSPIRATION.

  • Kitten Crush

    Jemima has a crush on a certain cat. Rated T because of curse words... from me in the beginning and I'm pretty sure the end... Well, I decided to make it into a full story. So here's the summary: Jemima's got a kitten crush on a cat. Will she make this cat love her back or will it continue to be one-sided love?

  • Realization

    I realized something... And I have a question for you guys.

  • Seven Special Days

    These are one-shots of special days in the Gumbie Cat and Railway Cat's relationship that they find rather memorable. Rated T because I don't do anything lower or higher. Please review if you read, it'd be much appreciated! Enjoy! For Quiffin's 'A Chapter a Week Contest'

  • Two Experiments

    Deuteronomy's decided on an experiment that he chooses from a hat that randomly paired Jellicles have to do. This outta be awkward! Two-shot!

  • Skimbleshanks Challenge!

    A challenge for all of you, please accept it!

  • The Ultimate Challenge

    Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer are bored, so they decide to have a little competition. There's also a challenge in here for anyone that wants to accept... and trust me, the topic you're writing on is VERY difficult.

  • Thieves And Mystics Make A Good Pair

    My entry for June CHALLENGE (CatFanGirl). Yes, another challenge... well, let's see... it revolves around thieves and mystics... that's pretty much all I gotta say. Be proud Skimble's not in it that much! Rated T because I'm too good to make it anything else below... and I can't bring myself to even want to think about rated M things. ENJOY! One-shot!

  • Good Times Goooood Times (For: Comedy Cat's Contest)

    Obviously this is for Comedy Cat's Constest for Misto-Forever. So, here's what I decided to do. Do some random one-shots (so that means more sugar for me. YAY!), get them straight from the funny part of me that you've all seen before, and up the ante. Let's see how it goes! Rated T because... come on, I'm paranoid and I'm sure there won't always be kid friendly stuff on here.

  • Wilting Roses

    Skimbleshanks comes across Mungojerrie in an alleyway and rushes him to get treated only to discover the truth of what happened. Skimbleshanks has to help Mungojerrie heal, but can a wilting rose be revived? WARNING: Implied rape & suicide.

  • Audition

    Macavity needs help with an audition and there's only one cat that can help him... Gus the Theater Cat. Part of "A Pair of Preposterous Pairings Challenge" between me and Brittny... granted not as bad as Thundering Lust *shivers at the thought of that story* Anyway, I'm sure that you will enjoy this one more than the other. Plot more or less given to me by Brittny.


    This is a Mother's Day thing that I decided to do! Let's just say today is an odd day for the two mothers of the tribe, Jennynanydots and Jellylorum. Rated T because I'm paranoid and I'm too teen to make anything rated K.

  • A Question

    Tugger's having trouble with a question. Seriously, I have nothing else to describe this story. I don't know how... Take it however you want. ONE-SHOT!

  • Jellylorum's Story

    In response to Effanineffable's 'Where has Jelly Gone' contest. Basically this is how Jellylorum came to be in the junkyard and focuses on her bond with Gus the Theater Cat.

  • Petition

    Basically I decided to write a fic about one part of the musical. You'll understand the title later. Rated T... idk, paranoia? ONE-SHOT! 563 of actual story

  • Railway Brothers

    Skimbleshanks and Lyon (my OC) don't like each other, but why? How'd they meet? Did they always hate each other? Well, you can find out (You should read Unpredictable and Unexpected (Mostly) to get an idea of who Lyon is).

  • Oh, Plato's in Trouble

    Plato takes Victoria out to dinner, but a cat walks in and he's in trouble, but why? You have to read to find out.

  • Something

    NEW TITLE: Insatiable (will be changed to this soon) Why is Bustopher always hanging around? He's no good for anything but annoying Skimble? But perhaps Bustopher always has an insatiable hunger for something other than food or Jenny. Perhaps there's more to the fancy feline then meets the glass-green eye. ONE-SHOT!

  • If You Close Your Eyes

    Another ONE-SHOT, but it's a Song-fic. I don't know what to really rate it or categorize it as in genre, but you decide. Basically, it's a dark day for the Jellicle Tribe.