Vector is questioning if he's real and does some crazy things, Oh no, He kidnapped Yuma and Kotori but are they really there ? Oh no ! What is Vector doing ? Who knows whoaaa !
Everyone looking for Kotori when some stuff happens. What is it that could be happening ? Also why is Don Thousand a mommy ? Mommy Donny. Anyways, why is this happening to our Barian friends ? Many bad, many, bad.
Kaito's getting a little ahead of himself with weddings isn't he ? Or maybe it's just because he really loves Rio. How cute. A little twist at the end. It is sweet. Sweet like chocolate. Sweet like ice cream. Sweet... like you. Trust me
It is morning and the red is one with us. Why is he with us ? He doesn't know what is happening. What is happening ? But him and Nasch are one and... Oh. Whoa. Whoa Durbe is a bad, bad Durbe ! How is Durbe a bad, bad Durbe ? Mizael also does a thing to Rio. Oh no, oh no. When does he do a thing ?
Kaito has a date with Rio when everything goes horribly wrong with his father at the lab and the impossible happens. He can't believe this... How can he explain this to Rio ? Further more can he stop people from hitting on him ? And how long will it all last ?
Reiji knows that Sora may have information on Yuuya or rather he'll be a help to their corporation, What better way than having Sora become Yuuya's apprentice this way ? He also has a little more interest in Sora than just that. Sora/Reiji.
The Barians are having a boss Easter and Mizael is knowing the spirit of it cause he knows what is up for realzies. And Nasch and him bond over Easter ya feel me ? They bond and it is unbreakable and Durbe is a little sad Durbe. Nobody can understand what Nasch and Merag are saying but it is Easter. Hella.
Ryoga can feel the reddness overflowing. He has formed the red spiritual bond.
Kaito meets his long lost brother Kaito Jenjo... and he pesters Kaito about his love life and it confuses Kaito to no end. Eventually, Kaito's actual lover comes to save him; thank God ! But was it really all an illusion ?
Vector's gonna get a dog, dawg. Fo rizzle you little shizzles.
Vector steals some lemons from some lesbos for his boyfriend Ryoga, but does Ryoga even want he lemons ? Ryoga is questioning his lemonsexuality. Ryoga is discovering the true self; he is on a journey of self discovery. He is sharkdrakesexual.
Yuma might do something craaaaaazy (oh my) because he is SAD cause of Astral is GONE FOREVER... ): but what will Vector do to help his friend ? Not good thing, you silly Vector, you.
The prayers are too strong. Cease the prayers. Stop them at once. He is too strong.
Kaito bought Chris at the pet store.
Ryoga finds that he wants... all the Barians. (Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want, so tell me what you want, what you really really want, I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want.)
V is like a robot and does not care for Kaito. Can Kaito make him realize that Vkai is very real and is apart of all of us ?
Vector, what are you doing with that waffle iron ? Vector stahp. Vector please.
Vampire Kaito x Rio. Kaito is slowly going insane as a vampire and can Rio save him ? Or will he let her fall ? Probably the latter.
Ryoga harem ! Hypnotizing ! Chapter fic ! Yeah !